T O P I C R E V I E W |
Posted - 12/17/2006 : 20:52:40 Where were all of you when the nucks sucked in the late 90's? Talk about band wagon jumpers.....you guys are pathetic. During that time the leafs were in a lull too, yet the acc still sold out. How many cups you guys got?
Stop talking about your storied history when CAROLINA has more cups than you.
40 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Alex116 |
Posted - 02/25/2011 : 13:40:51 quote: Originally posted by Guest4013
Canucks fans were just rank in the top 5 most annoying fans in sports.
Not just hockey...SPORTS!!! think of all those annoying soccer fans in europe that they had to beat out.
Personally, I agree.
LOL, huge LOL in fact........this comes from a guy who wears #24 because of a TV show featuring Keifer Sutherland! LOL! Sorry, can't help it.... |
Dastardly Bastard |
Posted - 02/25/2011 : 11:35:13 ^ Right because a Spike TV article written in 2009 holds a lot of weight especially when the main points against Canucks fans loving their team are "...zero Stanley Cups, no Hall of Fame players, and two homoerotic Swedish twins that seem physically afraid of the playoffs..."
So what, because the Canucks haven't won a cup in 40 years we are supposed to not follow them? Not feel pride when they are contenders or for our elite players?
Hey you know who else hasn't won a cup in the same FORTY YEAR time frame?
San Jose Phoenix Washington Los Angeles Minnesota Columbus St Louis Buffalo Atlanta Florida Ottawa Nashville And of course Toronto.
In fact 11 of those teams listed have NEVER won a cup. So if winning a cup, or winning in the past 40 years, is the great "justifier" of team "fandom", someone better tell all of those fans (Toronto in particular because they haven't even made it to the final in 44 years) that they can't be fans lest they wish to appear annoying. |
Guest4013 |
Posted - 02/24/2011 : 21:00:14 Canucks fans were just rank in the top 5 most annoying fans in sports.
Not just hockey...SPORTS!!! think of all those annoying soccer fans in europe that they had to beat out.
Personally, I agree. |
Guest4590 |
Posted - 02/24/2011 : 14:53:56 everyone is dumb who doesn't like vancouver inncluding my friend ryan who is beside me. vancouver will win the stanley cup. |
Guest7608 |
Posted - 05/12/2010 : 15:48:17 I cant believe your fans booed at Luongo when he left ice. He carried your team for the last 2years or more??? just like 1972 and for shame to you fans |
Alex116 |
Posted - 02/07/2010 : 11:48:21 quote: Originally posted by Guest4274
Your idol was felix potvin! HAHAHAHAHAHA! No wonder your such a loser.
Hey guest..... if yer gonna revive one of my favorite threads, please use the quote feature so we know who you're talking to/about. Don't know how to use the quote feature? Well, call Beans, he'll walk you through the process.  |
Guest4274 |
Posted - 02/07/2010 : 10:58:18 Your idol was felix potvin! HAHAHAHAHAHA! No wonder your such a loser. |
Guest4339 |
Posted - 12/15/2009 : 08:48:59 quote: Originally posted by HawkinOilCountry
I had toast for breakfast today. It was delicious.
The arena wall in chicago should be credited with a goal.
No way! I had toast for breakfast today! It was also delicious. |
Tiller33 |
Posted - 12/14/2009 : 14:52:57 quote: Originally posted by HawkinOilCountry
I had toast for breakfast today. It was delicious.
The arena wall in chicago should be credited with a goal.
about as interesting as most posts in this thread
There's a lot of dirty old occ's around thats the problem |
HawkinOilCountry |
Posted - 12/14/2009 : 06:28:42 I had toast for breakfast today. It was delicious.
The arena wall in chicago should be credited with a goal. |
Guest6229 |
Posted - 12/14/2009 : 02:51:33 I love how the leafs still can't win with the most lax schedule in the league! |
Guest7653 |
Posted - 12/13/2009 : 10:42:04 hey guest 4803, if by everybody you mean two twit canuck fans then you, in typical nuk fashion, think you are the only people/team on the planet. I think you need to re evaluate your stategy here, as you are now the biggest twit in this forum. Good luck, I am sure you will need it. |
Guest6004 |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 17:09:59 all this s*** about nuks fansispissing me off!....they must feel great being in 11th place this year!...i was at the game in van andit was a joke. the amount of leafs fans was a show of how you follow a team. look at boston in baseball there fans stuck by them through something like 80 winless years and look at them now, a great team. so forget all that talk about stop spending money on tickets and jerseys like the nuk fans do and show some pride. and win a cup!!!!!!!!!!
GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!! |
Guest4803 |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 13:14:40 well everyone seems to think its you bud |
nux-suk |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 10:29:32 Ah the battle cry of the loser...."dont stereotype"???? Who sounds like the idiots here??
Guest2312 |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 09:21:13 quote: Originally posted by Guest2458
nux-suk: Don't stereotype. You sound like an idiot.
haha, he was sounding like an idiot long before he stereotyped... |
fat_elvis_rocked |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 08:54:13 It's sounding more and more like someone has taken that whole.."I got turned down by Swedish Twins, again!', situation to heart....s'okay, I been there, usually with me, it's an Elke and Olga, but hey, whatever floats one's boat....
Guest4564 |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 08:07:01 I seen that dive by burrows the other night and I was rating on and on about it. Hes terrible and yes he is a disgrace to the NHL No worries though cuz the Nucks arnt getting anywhere anyway so let the bad karma flow! |
Guest2458 |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 07:54:19 nux-suk: Don't stereotype. You sound like an idiot. |
Guest7668 |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 07:13:09 ouch that hurt. canucks did well in the 90's....compared to the 70's and 80's. |
Guest4803 |
Posted - 12/10/2009 : 17:28:18 alright.....so rather then watching the other games that evening you watched the canucks game because you hate them so much? |
nux-suk |
Posted - 12/10/2009 : 13:16:37 Wow WTF?? My previous post came up as Guest 6whatever. As I said above, real fans watch all hockey, not just their own s*** team like the canuck fans do |
Guest6659 |
Posted - 12/10/2009 : 13:12:50 of course I watch Canuck games, I live in BC. Plus I like to watch and cheer for the other team. Lastly...I am a hockey fan, not a homer canuck fan who thinks their team is the only one in the league. |
Guest4803 |
Posted - 12/09/2009 : 20:38:52 seems to me you watch an awful lot of canuck games for someone who hates them so much...and the whole spike tv thing is rediculous......they picked a canadian team because none of the american teams have enough fans to call them the worst fans in the league. |
nux-suk |
Posted - 12/09/2009 : 12:44:03 What about that piece of s*** Burrows last night Canuck Fans??? Are you proud of that? he actually looked for the ref & then went down again like a soccer player!!! Total disgrace to the league. |
nux-suk |
Posted - 11/23/2009 : 08:01:06 ok ok I'll keep it to the game and the teams, no need to get upset. BTW I wish I was still a kid!!
Alex116 |
Posted - 11/22/2009 : 22:27:28 Go on with your anti Canucks rant by all means. But you completely lost me with your anger towards my quote earlier. Go ahead, call me what you want, tell me to look both ways, etc etc, i'm okay with that.
To be totally honest kid, if i cared at all about your opinions, i'd be very worried about my mental health.....  |
nux-suk |
Posted - 11/22/2009 : 19:45:56 I cant believe this team. How they allow a guy like burrows to put on their uniform baffles me. The only thing more disgraceful than that P.O.S. and his diving in this Chicago game is the fact that referees called it a cross check. burrows is a disgrace to the NHL and everything Hockey stands for. You fans who cheer him and this crap team are a close second. |
nux-suk |
Posted - 11/22/2009 : 17:00:15 oh try as you might to sound intelligent!! To no avail "dude". Those little dots like this......(dumbing it down for you) means etc. etc. as in the numbers that followed 9. Make sure to hold hands and look both ways before crossing the road!!! |
Alex116 |
Posted - 11/22/2009 : 15:59:59 quote: Originally posted by nux-suk
You mean this quote!!!! A fine example of Canuck fans, short term memory and blurred recollection of events. I can spell out things for you if needed but I really would rather not.quote: Originally posted by Alex116
Wow, i'm shocked right now . No, not because of the Spike thing, but because when i saw that "nux-suk" had posted on another thread, i had to assume that he was the one who brought this thread back to the forefront? Well, unless of course, he is 9297? Anyway, interesting points they make, but they really don't make them very well???
How does one "celebrate every year like they have won a title in the past"? I don't get that? First of all, it implies that if you have won one, it's okay to do this? So, someone please tell me, what do other cities, which have won before, do to celebrate yearly? Beans, did Edm throw a party or a parade last year to celebrate their cups of the past? Slozo, how 'bout Toronto? I'd be interested to hear? All i know is this.....i saw MANY fans after our loss to the Blackhawks in last years playoffs and the only thing they were doing was drowning their sorrows. There certainly wasn't any celebrating that i witnessed. 
As for being arrogant? How's this? I mean, did someone come up to them and start saying we're the best or something? An example of "why" might help?
His / her third point i actually sort of understand. I assume they're referring to Luongo? But the saying we "Think the players on........" seems to imply that we think ALL of our players are top tier? I would argue that the Sedins are top tier as well, however, my idea of top tier would be point a game guys. If their idea of top tier is 100 pt guys, then no. So, really, that's arbitrary, no?
Regardless, being that this "southern station" is likley in the hockey hotbed of Atlanta, Nashville or Florida, i'm really not bothered by it. It's prob one person from Spike and it's their opinion? Perhaps they ran into a drunken "Nucks" fan on vacation in their lovely city and their conversation didn't go well? Who knows, who cares. I'm certainly not embarrassed to be a Canuck fan and i don't consider myself the slightest bit arrogant.
Oh, and the Garrett comment about Burrows? Well, he's not too bright if he actually said that. I mentioned something similar in the thread dealing with Canada's last 3 spots. No way did i ever see Burrows making this team, let alone the orientation camp in Aug! Yeah, he played well and was scoring, but sorry, there's guys who do similar things to what Burrows does (plus more) who have done it for longer and have more experience at high levels than Burrows.
nux-suk....seriously dude, what are you talking about? Maybe you ought to read that post of mine again? Then maybe you'd see i was kidding around with the fact that this thread had no action on it for a few days so when i saw it had popped back up on the main page, i had to assume you were the one who brought it back to life? I never said you were 9? I thought maybe you didn't sign in and were in fact guest9297. If you can't figure that out then i guess this Canuck fan with the "short term memory and blurred recollection of events" will just have to realize that some people just can't figure out the simple things...... |
nux-suk |
Posted - 11/22/2009 : 09:25:09 You mean this quote!!!! A fine example of Canuck fans, short term memory and blurred recollection of events. I can spell out things for you if needed but I really would rather not.quote: Originally posted by Alex116
Wow, i'm shocked right now . No, not because of the Spike thing, but because when i saw that "nux-suk" had posted on another thread, i had to assume that he was the one who brought this thread back to the forefront? Well, unless of course, he is 9297? Anyway, interesting points they make, but they really don't make them very well???
How does one "celebrate every year like they have won a title in the past"? I don't get that? First of all, it implies that if you have won one, it's okay to do this? So, someone please tell me, what do other cities, which have won before, do to celebrate yearly? Beans, did Edm throw a party or a parade last year to celebrate their cups of the past? Slozo, how 'bout Toronto? I'd be interested to hear? All i know is this.....i saw MANY fans after our loss to the Blackhawks in last years playoffs and the only thing they were doing was drowning their sorrows. There certainly wasn't any celebrating that i witnessed. 
As for being arrogant? How's this? I mean, did someone come up to them and start saying we're the best or something? An example of "why" might help?
His / her third point i actually sort of understand. I assume they're referring to Luongo? But the saying we "Think the players on........" seems to imply that we think ALL of our players are top tier? I would argue that the Sedins are top tier as well, however, my idea of top tier would be point a game guys. If their idea of top tier is 100 pt guys, then no. So, really, that's arbitrary, no?
Regardless, being that this "southern station" is likley in the hockey hotbed of Atlanta, Nashville or Florida, i'm really not bothered by it. It's prob one person from Spike and it's their opinion? Perhaps they ran into a drunken "Nucks" fan on vacation in their lovely city and their conversation didn't go well? Who knows, who cares. I'm certainly not embarrassed to be a Canuck fan and i don't consider myself the slightest bit arrogant.
Oh, and the Garrett comment about Burrows? Well, he's not too bright if he actually said that. I mentioned something similar in the thread dealing with Canada's last 3 spots. No way did i ever see Burrows making this team, let alone the orientation camp in Aug! Yeah, he played well and was scoring, but sorry, there's guys who do similar things to what Burrows does (plus more) who have done it for longer and have more experience at high levels than Burrows.
Guest8165 |
Posted - 11/22/2009 : 04:39:36 The sad part about all of this is how angry some people get. While it would be great to be able to control how everyone acts especially when it comes to a HOCKEY TEAM this is not possible. Anyone who paints ALL fans with the same brush is just plain ignorant and need to look in the mirror. Get your hate on for something more productive in life...(ie. Conservative government ineptitude, Olympic Games overspending)
This 'passion' for Canuck fan hatred is just stupid as like almost all professional sports the true fans are few and far between from being able to attend games live. Better off saving your rants for your beloved Maple Laughs while you battle it out for last place again....at least watching a few rounds of playoff hockey is better than no hope at all. Oh and don't worry Burke is gonna take you to the promised land...well actually probably not until Brian Murray takes over for 5 years then Burkey comes back after he gets fired.
Use some common sense before you say dumb sh!t.... This thread is beyond pointless with no backing every town/city has its moments where a handful of idiots do something stupid. |
Alex116 |
Posted - 11/22/2009 : 03:27:13 quote: Originally posted by Guest9297
Wow I state an opinion and facts that a third source mentioned and get insulted. Good for you boys. And by the way I am a Leafs fan, but read the post clearly, I said I didn't like the Canucks broadcast team, and two players on their roster. But ya you go home and tell your family that you acted like a big man on the internet today.
9297....was this directed at me? If so, please do explain how i insulted you? If not, please ignore. Seriously, i don't know what you're talking about (since you didn't quote anyone) and i'm left wondering if you misread something???
nux-suk...who said you were 9? Think i missed something here too? Shiiiiit, did i say that? You guys really outta use the quote feature if you're gonna post once a week?
5592...do the 'nucks really have the longest sellout streak going? I didn't think they did? You sure of that? |
Guest6485 |
Posted - 11/21/2009 : 23:11:19 Posted - 12/17/2006
Srsly. |
Guest6485 |
Posted - 11/21/2009 : 23:10:06 Oldest thread ever. |
Guest5592 |
Posted - 11/21/2009 : 22:09:50 I don't think any argument including the Leafs and Canucks should include the question "and the Canucks last won a cup when?" since Toronto hasn't won a cup in longer than then Canucks have been a team!
Anyway, you can knock Canucks fans all you want, but the truth of the matter is that they have the longest current sellout streak of any team in the NHL. I'd say that makes fans pretty darn loyal even when the team hasn't had an outstanding record in all of those sold out seasons.
I think the media knocks Canucks hockey in Vancouver more than the fans do, and just because the media jumps all over the team, people have this perception that so do the fans. Yes, the fans are hard on their hockey team, but the love for the team and the game is just as strong in Vancouver as it is in a place like Toronto. |
nux-suk |
Posted - 11/21/2009 : 21:14:56 nope i am not 9...... whoever. I felt compelled to join this whole chat thing when i saw this thread. It is true that the nux yuk yuks are the worst fans in the game. Being a born & raised B.C. boy, I am embarassed to have these type of fans in our glorious province. you can try to convince yourselves that you are not the worst, but deep down you really know it. that is of course based on you having broad general knowledge of the game, which most nux fans do not as most of the fans do not hail from Canada and know very little about the game, just that it gives them license to be morons in the streets of Vancouver after a playoff game (won or lost). This is not political, just true. |
Guest9297 |
Posted - 11/21/2009 : 12:37:02 Wow I state an opinion and facts that a third source mentioned and get insulted. Good for you boys. And by the way I am a Leafs fan, but read the post clearly, I said I didn't like the Canucks broadcast team, and two players on their roster. But ya you go home and tell your family that you acted like a big man on the internet today. |
Alex116 |
Posted - 11/20/2009 : 14:48:46 Wow, i'm shocked right now . No, not because of the Spike thing, but because when i saw that "nux-suk" had posted on another thread, i had to assume that he was the one who brought this thread back to the forefront? Well, unless of course, he is 9297?
Anyway, interesting points they make, but they really don't make them very well???
How does one "celebrate every year like they have won a title in the past"? I don't get that? First of all, it implies that if you have won one, it's okay to do this? So, someone please tell me, what do other cities, which have won before, do to celebrate yearly? Beans, did Edm throw a party or a parade last year to celebrate their cups of the past? Slozo, how 'bout Toronto? I'd be interested to hear? All i know is this.....i saw MANY fans after our loss to the Blackhawks in last years playoffs and the only thing they were doing was drowning their sorrows. There certainly wasn't any celebrating that i witnessed. 
As for being arrogant? How's this? I mean, did someone come up to them and start saying we're the best or something? An example of "why" might help?
His / her third point i actually sort of understand. I assume they're referring to Luongo? But the saying we "Think the players on........" seems to imply that we think ALL of our players are top tier? I would argue that the Sedins are top tier as well, however, my idea of top tier would be point a game guys. If their idea of top tier is 100 pt guys, then no. So, really, that's arbitrary, no?
Regardless, being that this "southern station" is likley in the hockey hotbed of Atlanta, Nashville or Florida, i'm really not bothered by it. It's prob one person from Spike and it's their opinion? Perhaps they ran into a drunken "Nucks" fan on vacation in their lovely city and their conversation didn't go well? Who knows, who cares. I'm certainly not embarrassed to be a Canuck fan and i don't consider myself the slightest bit arrogant.
Oh, and the Garrett comment about Burrows? Well, he's not too bright if he actually said that. I mentioned something similar in the thread dealing with Canada's last 3 spots. No way did i ever see Burrows making this team, let alone the orientation camp in Aug! Yeah, he played well and was scoring, but sorry, there's guys who do similar things to what Burrows does (plus more) who have done it for longer and have more experience at high levels than Burrows.
Guest4803 |
Posted - 11/20/2009 : 12:26:11 quote: Originally posted by Guest9297
I am going to go ahead and agree with this one...Spike TV an American, southern, TV station voted Canuck fans the worst in pro sports, because... 1) They celebrate every year like they have won a title in the past 2) They are arrogant beyond belief, when, again , have won nothing 3) Think the players on their roster are top tier players when they have only 1.
Those are Spikes reasons. I hate the Canucks mostly for the broadcast team and Alex Burrows and Ryan Kesler. I will never forget when John Garret said " Steve Yzerman, there is now way you can't select Burrows for the Olympic team" I can think of twenty players better than Burrows.
hahahahah ya spike is pretty credible being an american station (top tier as well bahaha) talking about Vancouver they cant say its one of the american teams because they dont have any fans in the first place, intrested in who you cheer for bud? 1 top tier player? ok sedins dont count i guess but only are in the top 20 in scoring last year. i imagine your a leafs fan by the whole you havent won anything comment. Since we have been in the league u havent even made it to a cup final we have a couple of times so chill out. |