T O P I C R E V I E W |
Guest6470 |
Posted - 03/07/2010 : 07:15:34 what is the most hated team in the nhl. toronto
dallas |
40 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Guest5649 |
Posted - 05/20/2011 : 10:52:50 And Nucks is still dumb. The good thing is that I'll only have to hear about it for another few days. Chicago lays another beating down on those "Nucks" who will be setting up tee times by Monday.
Oh Really! |
Guest9723 |
Posted - 03/17/2011 : 10:44:25 easily the montreal canadiens, not only do i hate the team, but i probably hate their fans even more, just a bunch of morons, a good example is right now and them sitting outside the bell centre protesting the chara hit, next they are gonna loot their own stores like the playoffs last year, oh yeah we won a game, lets loot and destroy our city...idiots
bigbird |
Posted - 03/16/2011 : 11:38:59 This is for guest 9621. You can't be serious about the Ottawa fans. Have you ever been to a leaf game. They are the worst of the worst there is nothing on Gods green earth that is worse than a leaf fan...NOTHING!!! No idea why a team that is that bad gets so much coverage. |
Guest5432 |
Posted - 03/13/2011 : 03:07:49 should we talk about the nhl's most hated team or most hated fans?
If we forget about fans and talk only about teams, i gotta say florida. THis team has been unable to produce any good players, or exciting hockey, for...well...ever. Plus, when'S the last time they'Ve had a winning record? 96?
if we talk about most hated fans, well, there's no need to talk about the ones in phoenix, atlanta, nashville etc ..there are so few of them than none of us really care about them lol.
When it comes to ''real'' nhl fans, i got say montreal are the worst. by far. attend one of their game and you'll know what i' talking about. THey are even worst than toronto fans when it comes to ''we are at the centre on the universe'' way of thinking. by far the ,most arrogant. Their ''olé olé olé oollléééé'' chant is so damn annoying. And let'S not even talk about all the mayhem that occur in town when they win a playoff round....they arent too good at being smart...setting cars on fire is more their thing.... |
Guest4362 |
Posted - 03/13/2011 : 01:32:19 I love how all these fans rag on Vancouver. If you cheer for another Canadian team, how about worrying about whether or not your team is going to even make it to the playoffs.. Cause when you dont, youre going to be cheering for us.
I am a die hard Canucks fan (No bandwagoning here) and all these people who hate on this team I find hilarious. Out of ALL the teams in Canada, we have the best chance to FINALLY bring the cup back home. You can cheer for whoever you want, but if you dont think Im right, you need to wake up.
The Canadian teams this year are a joke, if you put a team like Edmonton or Ottawa somewhere in the USA the owners would go bankrupt. The only reason Montreal and Toronto still have teams is because they are original six and their set in stone in the city where they originated. Half the fans who talk trash about how the Canucks havent won a cup werent even alive when their home team did. Quit reminiscing.
The fact is, no Canadian team has won the cup since 93, and when the Canucks are the only team left in the running from Canada, all you "fans" are going to be cheering for us too. Best in the West, best in the league, youre ONLY Canadian shot to bring this home.
sahis34 |
Posted - 03/12/2011 : 20:23:50 I hate nashville, but it's Toronto
Go OILERS Go!!! |
polishexpress |
Posted - 03/12/2011 : 15:01:16 Guest, just to clear something up to you: There is a line of text at the top of every post defining the date and time of the post-Willie Mitchell was still a Canuck at the time of the posts, since they were made in 2010, during the 09-10 season. |
Guest7742 |
Posted - 03/12/2011 : 14:49:09 just to clear one thing up from stated much earlier Willie Mitchell is not a Canuck he has been on LA for a year and I see why ppl say burrows is a diver..tho his game has changed a lot this year... but kesler? this guys an elite world class player if you have beef it's simply because your team lacks a similar scoring threat |
Guest4270 |
Posted - 03/12/2011 : 13:31:14 The Flyers. As a Leafs fan, they always beat the Leafs during crucial games. Like in the playoffs. |
Alex116 |
Posted - 05/08/2010 : 01:10:48 Sorry Beans, the NUCKS might be golfing soon, but you're stuck with me cuz i'm not going anywhere! Therefore, you're stuck with the 'Nucks for the foreseeable future.....
Sorry.... |
Beans15 |
Posted - 05/07/2010 : 21:24:48 No, it really doesn't help.
Oil is actually a word. Is Nuck??? You can't even say a Nuck is an off-word like Leafs.
And Nucks is still dumb. The good thing is that I'll only have to hear about it for another few days. Chicago lays another beating down on those "Nucks" who will be setting up tee times by Monday.
redneck76ca |
Posted - 05/07/2010 : 16:15:34 quote: Originally posted by Beans15
I "hate" to say it, but in the Canadian media, Vancouver has taken over for Montreal to comfortably sit in that #2 spot for the 'we are the centre of the universe' type of attitude.
I will never forget a news report from a few years ago. I can't recall the series they were play, maybe Dallas?? Anyway, there was a fan coming out of GM place that the camera's caught and the meatball was talking about how horrible Luongo was, the team was, and that the Canucks were crap. I believe the Cancuck's lost to be down 2-0 in the series. Then, after Vancouver stole 2 in Dalls, the exact same fan was on the camera going into GM place for game 5 talking about the Cup!!
I know it's irrational, but I don't care.
And the 'nucks" is about the dumbest short name for a sports team in the entire world.
What the hell is a "Nuck???"

Whats an Oil?
Oh right. Its an abreviation of Oilers. I guess that means "Nuck" is a shortened version of Canucks. Does that help Beans? |
Guest4556 |
Posted - 05/07/2010 : 16:05:05 I'm a Toronto fan and I really don't hate any team. I dislike teams but I can stand every team. As a leafs fan, I obvuisly dislike the sens and habs. As a hockey fan I dislike the Flyers becuase they are known as the Broadstreet Bullies for a reason. I respect players like Richards, Briere, Carter, and Gagne. But player like Carcillo and Cote make the team easy to dislike. Plus I don't like the way their fans act at all.
Honestly, this though you get mad at the Leafs for hogging air time. Blame that on the channel not the team, you guys act like the Leafs paid the channel.
Alot of your arguments are valid. You may dislike Burke but he is still a good GM either way. Whoever talked about the Sedin's donating, there is a lot of teams who donate too. The Leafs
I'm sorry that you guys have come across 14 year old Leafs fans who are ignorant, but trust me when Toronto becomes good again. (Hopefully), bandwagons will run wild.
GO LEAFS Maybe we will win the cup in 30 years... maybe. |
Guest6595 |
Posted - 05/05/2010 : 12:02:15 THE FROGS! |
Guest7385 |
Posted - 05/05/2010 : 04:26:31 The Flyers have always been the most hated team. A tough team no matter who wears the jersey and fans who would throw rocks at even the pope if he were to cheer for the other team. |
Guest6834 |
Posted - 05/05/2010 : 04:14:53 Ok i hate the habs , only cause im a bruin fan and anyone who is a bruin fan hates the habs. I also hate anyone who has made any decisions at all for the leafs for the last ten years at least, with the exception of burke cause he needs time to see how his ideas work out and he at least has a plan. I mean come on its hard to stay a leaf fan when they never make the playoffs anymore , every april its the big let down. And who fires Pat Quinn after all the success he had, he built a stanley cup contender who may have won had they not been raviged with injuries. And who gets rid of Tucker, i dont care what ya say, good canadian boy! Ok im making a trade Kaberle straight up for Cody Hodgson, Vancouver cant see what they have there and we need offence in t.o. Whos the meathead out there, is it dave nonis still ? not sure which one said it , "didnt have anything to do with the back issue, he's just wasn't good enuff" Hello idiot!!! nice cover up, Well trade him to Toronto then. Ok does it sound like i hate the "nucks" , well ...............gettn there. |
Guest9781 |
Posted - 05/05/2010 : 01:27:53 habs for sure |
Guest6840 |
Posted - 03/16/2010 : 21:40:23 I'm a Canucks fan, so obviously I'm biased. I have never understood the 'hate' for the Canucks and Beans, you're right, it all sounds irrational to me.
Don't like the Lu chants? and the fact that we cheer our team on even though they haven't won anything?
Sorry for cheering our team on regardless of whether they are winning. Sorry for not being a bandwagon jumper? So all Canucks fans should NOT cheer and support their team? That really clears it all up. That's a much more rational approach.
You'll probably say that fans are supporting their team as if they won something - what does that even mean? How do you cheer as if your team hasn't won?
Fat elvis, you're right, SOME Canucks fans are stupid. Point me to the team that doesn't have any. [/quote] I agree with this to an extent i mean what is wrong with the Lou chants |
Guest6840 |
Posted - 03/16/2010 : 21:36:45 Toronto has to be the team I hate the most. Not due to the city being ugly, but due to the team getting the best times; also Burke trying to steal the Sedins before Legalized and not getting fined. As a Canucks fan i can not hate them but i can understand people hating the Canucks due to them starting to get the special our time treatment which i believe is stupid. (LOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU) |
Guest4852 |
Posted - 03/14/2010 : 10:06:38 oh the teams i hate.. well for starters as a leaf fan i gotta go with the habs. oh how i hate them.. vancouver, omg they piss me off, LOUUUUU, k shuttup already. and the ugly twins? how can u cheer for those dorks. phoenix. they dont deserve a damn team, and for you who said move them to ONTARIO already? F that, bring them back to where they belong, and the only city in north america that deserves an NHL team, WINNIPEG. i also hate any team where there is an absense of ice, snow, or outdoor rinks. which makes up for a few more teams. bring hockey back to where ppl actually care about it |
Alex116 |
Posted - 03/13/2010 : 16:04:07 Wow, is someone from HNIC a member here? I just noticed they're airing the Montreal / Boston game in all parts of Canada except Ontario and Alberta where they get the Oilers / Leafs game!
Maybe Toronto's not so bad after all....  |
HawkinOilCountry |
Posted - 03/12/2010 : 13:38:08 I'm definitly with Alex on the HNIC deal. There are 6 Canadian Teams some why are the Leafs on EVERY saturday? I wouldn't mind seeing an Ottawa or Montreal game now and then. Being in Edmonton I had a hell of a time trying to watch Cammaleri play this year.
I would also like to briefly bemoan the woefully low number of Chicago games I get to see because so few stations I get carry them. Watching Chicago wallop Nashville is one of my favorite things to do! F U Rinne!
The arena wall in chicago should be credited with a goal. |
Guest5655 |
Posted - 03/12/2010 : 12:47:36 Most hated:
NJ - the trap...and successfully winning the cup so other teams would copy them....ugh!!!! ((shudder)) Philly - goon squad...why am I not surprised they picked up Pronger??!!! Thank goodness they never get good goaltending. Toronto - center of the universe attitude and preventing another Canadian team! Stealing players before the cap era with big bucks. NYR - Oh how much I enjoyed seeing the highest paid team fail to get into or deep into the playoffs. They seem to be better with a cap in place....go figure!
Alex116 |
Posted - 03/12/2010 : 12:16:58 I have to be honest, the fact that it's the Leafs every Saturday night (afternoon here i suppose) is a lot of what drives me mad! I know there are tons of Leaf fans all over but when they're as bad as they are currently, we should be able to see some Montreal or Ottawa games every now and then?
I used to love when i got Habs games on channel 7 here in Van and could watch the Canadiens on the french station if they had a better matchup than the Leafs. Sadly, they don't broadcast on that station anymore. I suppose in the day and age of HD and all, they're prob only available on a channel i don't get?
For the most part, we do get to see the evening game of the double header usually involve a team out west here (Cal/Edm/Van) so all is not lost? |
baumer |
Posted - 03/12/2010 : 11:49:12 quote: Originally posted by nuxfan
quote: As an Ottawa Senators fan... Toronto Maple Leafs.
As a Canadian citizen not living in Toronto...the Toronto Maple Leafs. And here is why:
- Leaf fans are loud and desperate. Message boards are full of leafs fans proposing the most ridiculous trades, whining because playerA didn't sign in Toronto as a free agent (like any player with skill and value would sign with the leafs just to play under a microscope all season long and finish out of the playoffs), wondering why everyone else hates them. Honestly, you don't come across as particularly knowledgeable fans, and the rest of us get tired of you.
- The media over reports them. The team sucks - yet despite that, on Canadian sports sites I get to read more about leaf players (likes, dislikes, what they ate for breakfast, how many dogs they own, what they like to do in the summer, how they feel today) than all other NHL players combined. How is it possible that I can know what colour Colton Orr's car is, but I have to scour the internet to find out the most basic information about other teams in the league?
- As I mentioned before, the team sucks - yet, every Saturday night, I have to watch them. Even if much-more-exciting-to-watch Ottawa or Montreal are playing, I have to watch the Leafs. It sucks to have to watch a team that sucks, because CBC gives you no other option.
I used to hate Edmonton and Calgary, but now I just feel sadness - the Nux used to have a good rivalry with both teams, now its just an easy 2 points. Still, its good that they try.
I think youur hatred should be directed at the CBC or TSN or Sportsnet. Not the Leafs. |
Matt_Roberts85 |
Posted - 03/12/2010 : 08:56:29 quote: Originally posted by Guest9103
Its amazing how people dont understand how grammer works.
You pull off the superiority card based on grammar & spelling when it's a little-known fact that the guy obviously didn't know, as opposed to a lack of understanding for the language... Irony.
heh, i just knew id screw up something in that post and get called out for it. But still, i never knocked his spelling, just his understanding of pronouns.
i hope more people understand the context of "Leafs" now, that was the main point i was trying to get across, not a personal attack. Sorry.
There is no "I" in team, but there is an "M" and an "E". |
Matt_Roberts85 |
Posted - 03/12/2010 : 08:54:35 quote: Originally posted by nuxfan
quote: As an Ottawa Senators fan... Toronto Maple Leafs.
As a Canadian citizen not living in Toronto...the Toronto Maple Leafs. And here is why:
- Leaf fans are loud and desperate. Message boards are full of leafs fans proposing the most ridiculous trades, whining because playerA didn't sign in Toronto as a free agent (like any player with skill and value would sign with the leafs just to play under a microscope all season long and finish out of the playoffs), wondering why everyone else hates them. Honestly, you don't come across as particularly knowledgeable fans, and the rest of us get tired of you.
- The media over reports them. The team sucks - yet despite that, on Canadian sports sites I get to read more about leaf players (likes, dislikes, what they ate for breakfast, how many dogs they own, what they like to do in the summer, how they feel today) than all other NHL players combined. How is it possible that I can know what colour Colton Orr's car is, but I have to scour the internet to find out the most basic information about other teams in the league?
- As I mentioned before, the team sucks - yet, every Saturday night, I have to watch them. Even if much-more-exciting-to-watch Ottawa or Montreal are playing, I have to watch the Leafs. It sucks to have to watch a team that sucks, because CBC gives you no other option.
Wow, where to begin.
The message boards are covered head to toe with idiot arm chair Gm's of fans of all teams, not just toronto. We've been through this arguement 1000x on this site so I wont go into it too much. Angry fans are everywhere in every fan base, not just toronto. There are TONS of very knowledgeable hockey fans in Toronto and tons of amazing players as well. Look at all the great players in the NHL from the GTA, many of whom grew up a leafs fan and were coached by and played with other Leaf fans. Just because the current club isnt very good, does not mean the fan base are a bunch of idiots.... the dedication to hockey in the GTA is enormous, you just happen to come across the 14 year olds on the internet.
Also, no one in Toronto wonders why 'everyone hates them'. Or should i say cares why everyone hates them. Like we give a s*** if canuck or habs fans hate us....
The media..... i swear, this seems to be the #1 reason for the hate. TSN, Sportsnet, CBC and the score all are located in Toronto. Is it really any wonder why the biggest city, with the biggest fanbase with all the media outlets gets the most coverage? If the shoe was on the other foot it wouldnt bother you one bit, its unfortunate for fans in the rest of canada I guess, but no one is forcing you to watch leafs coverage. The internet is something you can use to totally bypass anything leafs related if you want, check out SBN for blogs totally dedicated to your favorite team if you crave information on your club so badly.
By the way, what colour is Colton orr's car? I sure dont know, nor have i seen anything cover it...
Again, if you dont like watching the leafs, dont watch! you can stream games off the net. The CBC has had a few saturday nights without the leafs and the rating were down big time, those nights are the leaf haters chance to give CBC a reason not to show the leafs and it hasnt really gone the way you wanted it to. The massive audience the leafs attract is just too much to resist.
Just wait until the leafs are actually good again, you think the coverage and crazy fans are out in full force now? You aint seen nothin yet
There is no "I" in team, but there is an "M" and an "E". |
Guest8165 |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 19:04:06 [/quote]
you should add "again" to the end of that statement for it to make sense. 43 years without a cup and our 13 still stands as second most of all time.
Also, for the person who said "im sure the canucks would have won a few cups in the original 6 as well", well beating toronto or montreal in those days was not easy. Otherwise the rangers, hawks, wings and bruins would have won more than they did. I always love how no one gives those teams any flack for only winning 3 or 4 cups during the original 6 era. Obvioulsy the red wings have made up for it recently, but seriously, the habs and leafs were the best of the best back then. Assuming you would win a ton just because there were only 6 teams is a joke.
There is no "I" in team, but there is an "M" and an "E". [/quote]
Never said a ton...but good job taking my comments out of context...
It doesn't matter what you say really... 6 teams vs 30 teams you have to be an idiot to think that any one of those teams doesnt have an exponentially better shot of winning the cup... Look at the CFL...8 teams... all have won at least 2 Grey Cups... How you think you can compare the Original 6 Era Maple Leafs to the post Original 6 era Canucks is just plain stupid. Neither team has had success and get off you high horse about this Maple Laffs team that has no more success than the any other team that hasn't won the cup since then. |
Guest9103 |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 18:56:39 Its amazing how people dont understand how grammer works.
You pull off the superiority card based on grammar & spelling when it's a little-known fact that the guy obviously didn't know, as opposed to a lack of understanding for the language... Irony.
As for the actual topic, I vote Colorado because they stole our team right after Philly was stupid enough to give us the barn for Lindros. Yes, I'm still bitter.  |
Guest2000 |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 16:05:40 I'd say the mosted hated team in the NHL by majority would have to be the Flyers they've been dirty since the 70's so i'm sure they've built a vast majority of haters along the way and im sure the hit by richards didnt to anything to help that cause to the non educated hockey public. However, they have also been sucessful.
Being from Toronto i can easily say i hate the leafs organization as for what it represents but for someone to say their fans are bush league or minor league then you never went to a game at maple leaf gardens you would go home def after every game the problem now is MLSE is concerned about their bank account then putting a quality team on the ice. Needless to say its been like that forever but definetly since they moved into the ACC. The entire lower level is corporate. If the ticket prices weren't so out of control then you would see how out of control and die hards leaf fans really are. Case and point the amount of leaf fans that go to sabres games just because they can sit in the lower bowl for 50$ rather then 500 or more at the ACC. I wasnt even born when the leafs won the cup neither were 95% of the people i know and yet they will still fight you tooth and nail that hockey doesn't exist outside of toronto.
I hate the leafs just thought it was appropiate to point out that they are hands down the most loyal and loudest fans if any of them could afford to go to a game then you would clearly see that. The good thing for me is that i only have to listen to the non stop ranting and raving about 20times a year after they manage to win |
nuxfan |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 15:38:14 quote: As an Ottawa Senators fan... Toronto Maple Leafs.
As a Canadian citizen not living in Toronto...the Toronto Maple Leafs. And here is why:
- Leaf fans are loud and desperate. Message boards are full of leafs fans proposing the most ridiculous trades, whining because playerA didn't sign in Toronto as a free agent (like any player with skill and value would sign with the leafs just to play under a microscope all season long and finish out of the playoffs), wondering why everyone else hates them. Honestly, you don't come across as particularly knowledgeable fans, and the rest of us get tired of you.
- The media over reports them. The team sucks - yet despite that, on Canadian sports sites I get to read more about leaf players (likes, dislikes, what they ate for breakfast, how many dogs they own, what they like to do in the summer, how they feel today) than all other NHL players combined. How is it possible that I can know what colour Colton Orr's car is, but I have to scour the internet to find out the most basic information about other teams in the league?
- As I mentioned before, the team sucks - yet, every Saturday night, I have to watch them. Even if much-more-exciting-to-watch Ottawa or Montreal are playing, I have to watch the Leafs. It sucks to have to watch a team that sucks, because CBC gives you no other option.
I used to hate Edmonton and Calgary, but now I just feel sadness - the Nux used to have a good rivalry with both teams, now its just an easy 2 points. Still, its good that they try. |
Alex116 |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 15:09:32 Matt, even as a Canucks fan, i can't stand when people try to use the Leafs / Leaves thing against TO. Such a silly argument really. BTW, i had no idea it had anything to do with the WWI regiment? Interesting. As for the original 6 argument, i'm pretty sure the poster was simply saying that the Canucks prob would have won a couple/few cups, not so much that they'd have won more than TO or Montreal? I think it was more directed at those with the "win something first" attitude? Just my 2cents worth...
4803....as Gus said, careful what you say! All the teams do charity work and surely some more than others but just because of the recent monetary donation by the Sedins, don't go trying to say the Canucks do more than the rest! I could possibly be true for all i know, but i wouldn't go spouting off about that withour a whole bunch of research. Even if they do, so what, as i said, all the teams support worthy causes!
Coretez..... I'm assuming you're referring to the comment Kesler made about hating Canada? I think it's been determined that he wasn't talking about the country, rather the hockey team. I really don't think he hated anyone personally either, moreso the team he was trying to steal the gold from. Pretty sure he meant it in a competetive way, much like the way that Ovie said he's love nothing more than to beat Canada on their home soil? |
CoreteztheKiller |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 14:40:09 Thanks alex116! Though not a complete newbie, I made some posts last year under a different username (goleafsgosj I think).
Kinda suprised to hear the Canucks are so hated. I'm a big Lu fan and the Sedin's are just fun to watch. Burrows is a weasel though and the more I hear from Kesler the less I like him. Don't remember what he said in that Canada-US game, but something he said pissed me off, made the gold that much sweeter if that is possible. That being said, I'd be happy to see them get a cup, if anything just to bring the cup back to Canada |
Gusteroni |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 13:54:20 quote: Originally posted by Guest4803
while kesler and burrows may not be the classiest two players in the league at least their not driving around getting DUI's or running out on their dinner bills *cough cough oilers cough* so i wouldnt talk about class to much if i was an Edmonton supporter. The sedins just donated $1.5 mil to childrens hospital as well so id like to think overall the canucks have a little more class then those from Oil Town.
I wouldn't go there man. The Oilers do a heck of a lot for their community. Edmonton has the Stollery Children's Hospital and many of the Oilers make frequent visits there infact they have a huge lottery every year with the profits going to many areas. The Sedin's aren't the only players to do something good...give your head a shake.
When Hell freezes over, I'll play hockey there too. |
Guest4803 |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 13:31:49 while kesler and burrows may not be the classiest two players in the league at least their not driving around getting DUI's or running out on their dinner bills *cough cough oilers cough* so i wouldnt talk about class to much if i was an Edmonton supporter. The sedins just donated $1.5 mil to childrens hospital as well so id like to think overall the canucks have a little more class then those from Oil Town. |
Matt_Roberts85 |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 13:15:52 quote: Originally posted by Guest2818
Leafs will never win anything hahahahahahah
you should add "again" to the end of that statement for it to make sense. 43 years without a cup and our 13 still stands as second most of all time.
Also, for the person who said "im sure the canucks would have won a few cups in the original 6 as well", well beating toronto or montreal in those days was not easy. Otherwise the rangers, hawks, wings and bruins would have won more than they did. I always love how no one gives those teams any flack for only winning 3 or 4 cups during the original 6 era. Obvioulsy the red wings have made up for it recently, but seriously, the habs and leafs were the best of the best back then. Assuming you would win a ton just because there were only 6 teams is a joke.
There is no "I" in team, but there is an "M" and an "E". |
Matt_Roberts85 |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 13:11:43 quote: Originally posted by Guest7886
Even though there's a lot of them, I'm surprised there's not more Toronto answers. While it's gotten better, watching a Toronto game a few years ago was like nails on a chalkboard. Roberts/Tucker/Domi/Sundin would whine to the refs for 30+ seconds every single time there was a whistle. Just shut up and play the game, already, particularly when you're being a hypocrite... Of course, that was amplified by how we're pretty much force-fed Leafs games. It's also hard to take an organization that doesn't know how to pluralize seriously. Other than that, NJ and other similar teams for the boring playstyle for so many years.
... I also never understood the "LOOUUUUUU!!!" chants. It always sounds like they're just booing him.
Its amazing how people dont understand how grammer works.
The word "Leafs" refers to the "Maple Leaf" regiment of the first world war, it has nothing to do with Leaves. Since the team is being refered to the army unit and not actual "Maple leaves" the term "Leafs" is correct.
There is no "I" in team, but there is an "M" and an "E". |
Guest4339 |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 13:11:12 quote: Originally posted by Hugh G. Rection
Bragging about cups that were won 20+ years ago is one of the more idiotic things any 'fan' can do. I'm a habs fan, and I can talk at length about the 92-93 cup, and to a lesser extent the '86 cup is relevant to me. The rest? Not so much. The team today doesn't even have one resemblance to the e'93 squad save for the assistant coach.
I never saw Guy Lafleur play hockey, as well as the Richards, Robinsons, etc. etc. I enjoy the history of my team, but I would never brag about it. HAHA 24 cups everyone else sucks!!! Just makes me feel like a yankees fan (there is one team everyone should agree to hate).
To answer the question directly, it's clearly the leafs. Coretez above made the point fairly clear, and I find it obvious why it's the case.
Canucks fans really stirred up this much fuss? Four of my closest friends are Canucks fans till the grave, and even they make fun of their own fan base. They get nostalgic talking about '94 like I do about '93, and in my experience they don't seem to be 'bragging' at all. Decent amount of fair-weather fans and bandwagoners, but every team basically has this. If anyone was in Ottawa during their cup run, you saw how insane the city got. The very next year, where did all those people go?
Agreed, Hugh. Especially on the sentiment on wondering why Canuck fans are getting picked on moreso than some of the other teams when it's the same thing all around.
And Beans, other than maybe the one post that could be seen as bragging, the majority of posts on here are hating on the Canucks and their fans and of course the response defending their team. Maybe just depends on perspective. |
Hugh G. Rection |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 12:49:16 Bragging about cups that were won 20+ years ago is one of the more idiotic things any 'fan' can do. I'm a habs fan, and I can talk at length about the 92-93 cup, and to a lesser extent the '86 cup is relevant to me. The rest? Not so much. The team today doesn't even have one resemblance to the e'93 squad save for the assistant coach.
I never saw Guy Lafleur play hockey, as well as the Richards, Robinsons, etc. etc. I enjoy the history of my team, but I would never brag about it. HAHA 24 cups everyone else sucks!!! Just makes me feel like a yankees fan (there is one team everyone should agree to hate).
To answer the question directly, it's clearly the leafs. Coretez above made the point fairly clear, and I find it obvious why it's the case.
Canucks fans really stirred up this much fuss? Four of my closest friends are Canucks fans till the grave, and even they make fun of their own fan base. They get nostalgic talking about '94 like I do about '93, and in my experience they don't seem to be 'bragging' at all. Decent amount of fair-weather fans and bandwagoners, but every team basically has this. If anyone was in Ottawa during their cup run, you saw how insane the city got. The very next year, where did all those people go? |
Guest6132 |
Posted - 03/11/2010 : 12:47:59 Dont about a hated team, but as for a hated playa...I hate Maxime LaPierre |