T O P I C R E V I E W |
Canucks Man |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 11:52:37 http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=382731
What a tool, No class. what a stupid thing to say.
40 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Alex116 |
Posted - 12/21/2011 : 01:41:26 8850........Wow, that last post really takes the cake! I can barely understand it. Maybe take a minute and try to learn how to use the "quote" feature??? Makes things a lot more readable for everyone! I can't tell which part i said compared to which part you're saying compared to which part you're sarcastically attempting to make fun of, etc?? Heck, i can't even understand if you're an Oilers fan or a Hawks fan???
From the little bits i was able to pull out, i guess you'd prefer D. Bolland on "your" team to the Sedins. Awesome! I mean, you're so bang on with that, cuz he has a ring! No way you could go wrong! That's to say you'd rather have Bolland than Marcel Dionne, Tim Kerr, Cam Neely, Pavel Bure, Darryl Sittler, Dale Hawerchuk, Pat Lafontaine, Gilbert Perrault, etc etc. FYI, these are just a handful of guys who never won the cup. I'm guessing you'd take Ben Eager and Brent Sopel over all those guys too! Afterall, they do have rings you know!
So, what you're basically saying is, respect from guest 8850, is only garnered from a cup win? Very interesting, and that's up to you so i can't argue it. A little odd, but interesting.
It's almost as messed up as the bit about how the Canucks still think Luongo is a star? I'm not saying he's the best goalie in the league, but i will say this......how many teams went into the SCF last year with a goalie who was nominated for the Vezina trophy? If you somehow guessed 2, ding ding ding! You're a winner! Funny how Boston won the series riding not only the hottest goalie in the playoffs, but the goalie who won the Vezina! And THIS, makes Luongo bad? Is that what you're saying? A goalie goes 7 games, posts 2 shutouts while his team gets a grand total of 8 goals (in 7 games) and HE'S the problem??? Dude, you live in a strange world! Lol.....
quote: Originally posted by Guest8850 When its time for playoffs I will take Bolland everytime as he is there to win(I believe I already proved this) where as the sedins think they already won and yet no ring.
See that quote thing, kinda cool huh? As for your "proof" that Bolland is there to win, i must have missed it. Can you please explain it again? While you're at it, do me a favour, and explain to me the logic behind the comment "where as the sedins think they already won and yet no ring"??? Wtf, that's as brutal as anything you've typed to be honest with you. Oh wait, my apologies, i must have missed the link to the article that quotes the Sedin's as saying "we've won a Stanley Cup" i guess? 
I love how you turn an entire Bolland vs Sedin's rant, a very poorly written one at that, into a "yeah well, beating the Hawks still wasn't beating the Bruins...." bit. You know what that represents. It represents someone trying to win a debate that they know they are losing. It wreaks of desperation.
No offense, but a pretty poor effort on your part. Poorly written, poorly thought ought, makes little sense, etc. Better luck next time kid..........
Beans15 |
Posted - 12/20/2011 : 17:59:15 You, or anyone else for that matter, do not have to take anything I say seriously. But. Canucks hater or not, I find it laughable and so telling of the bias of those who were so up in arms over Bolland's quote who now have nothing to say about AV's quotes. Including you!!
That's not totally hilarious is it? Let's not forget, more than one person called mRNA hypocrite. Pot calling the kettle black? |
Guest8850 |
Posted - 12/20/2011 : 17:39:04 Just read that, and then feel free to explain to any of us who enjoy debating these topics without such bias, how we're supposed to take anything you say regarding the Canucks seriously? An Oiler fan who respects Flames players more than Canucks. No, you don't fit the mold of a "Canucks hater" at all, do you.
Ahhhh Alexis here you are getting your panties in a bunch when my thoughts were "hardly worth your time". How can anyone take anything the Canucks do seriously they still think Luongo is a Star. Don't take that too far i could of went on. Oilers fan YES born and raised. And its not that I respect Flames more than Nucks but as of lately Nucks attitude is in the basement. I mean you Nuckleheads( ) think your team is so great and everything is a cake walk. Yet no ring. Calgary has one I suppose thats where the respect comes from. "I need not list the Sedin's Hart trophy's, gold medals, etc as i think anyone who knows ANYTHING about hockey, would realize either of the "sisters", as you like to refer to them, is far more valuable to an NHL team than Dave Bolland." When its time for playoffs I will take Bolland everytime as he is there to win(I believe I already proved this) where as the sedins think they already won and yet no ring. I bet any player would trade 10 art ross trophies for one day with Lord Stanley. Anyways i'm not gonna get carried away here but the point is im not a Canucks hater as that would be a waste of my time. I am however a fan of Chicago and Canada(Dave is from here). Been cheering for both for over 26 yrs now. And you say Nucks beat Hawks in playoffs last year so what i stated that allready so i believe the "Fool" word rest on your shoulders. And beating the Hawks last year still wasn't beating the Bruins and thats what counted, wasnt it....
Alex116 |
Posted - 12/17/2011 : 12:22:57 quote: Originally posted by Guest4572
Alex: I can see why some folks may not like Burish, Eager & Bolland, but I don't aree with you on Byfuglien, Brouwer & Ladd....especially the last two, Brouwer & Ladd. They are two straight up hard-working hockey players and I don't know why people would not like them. I know Ladd & Kesler had a thing going a few years ago, but that was just as much to do with Kesler as Ladd. Anyway, as a Hawks fan, I like them all and still do, even though Bolland is the only one of the six still with them.
Don't get me wrong, i don't hate any of those guys, especially not Ladd! I think the guy who threw those names out there was prob picking on a few too many who had a role in beating the Canucks. The Ladd / Kesler thing may have played into it too but i agree, it was as much Kes as it was Ladd. Byfuglien i think got named as well due to his effectiveness around the net that year and just how he was such a pain in the ass to the Canucks! It's easy to see how a hawks fan, or anyone who hates the Canucks for that matter, would love all of those guys! As a hockey fan, i admit, they're all pretty good at their roles (well, maybe not Eager so much, he's a bit of a tool ) and all contributed to the cup win! As a Canucks fan, they're easy to hate of course!
Basically, i think Gallagher (it may have been Barry McDonald too, i just can't recall) was trying to defend the Canucks moreso than he was attacking the Hawks but he used them as a reference due to the rivalry!
On a final note, it's amazing that Bolland is the last of those guys still there! That cup win isn't that long ago!!! |
Guest4306 |
Posted - 12/16/2011 : 17:09:03 Alex Vigneault's comment (Bolland having the IQ the size of birdseed) reminded me of Patrick Roy's comment to Jeremy Roenick years ago. (When Roy said he couldn't hear Roenick because his two Stanley Cup rings were in his ears.)
Aside from being childish comments, they don't make a lot of sense. As the earlier guest pointed out, who measures IQ points by birdseed? And who wears their Stanley Cup rings in their ears?
Perhaps it could be explained by the fact that both comments were made by someone who's first language is French, and not English?
Silliness regardless, including what Bolland had to say about the Sedin twins.
I'm not sure if the comments are classless, but I have greater respect for players (or coaches) who are more professional in what they say when speaking on the record. But one thing for sure, it sure is entertaining when comments are made outside the usual rhetoric.
Guest4572 |
Posted - 12/16/2011 : 14:29:11 Alex: I can see why some folks may not like Burish, Eager & Bolland, but I don't aree with you on Byfuglien, Brouwer & Ladd....especially the last two, Brouwer & Ladd. They are two straight up hard-working hockey players and I don't know why people would not like them. I know Ladd & Kesler had a thing going a few years ago, but that was just as much to do with Kesler as Ladd. Anyway, as a Hawks fan, I like them all and still do, even though Bolland is the only one of the six still with them. |
Alex116 |
Posted - 12/16/2011 : 13:09:36 Admittedly Beans, it does wreak of "you started it" ! That's exactly why i said i expected nothing less. I expected exactly that out of AV in the context of things, just as i would many of the coaches in the league in a similar situation. There's a huge amount of hate between these teams as this rivalry grows and i think it was prob the coach just sticking up for his players and offering a rebuttal. Do i think it's childish, yup, absolutely!
I'd be interested to know if AV had heard in detail, the interview that Bolland said these things in and whether ot not it would change / affect his attitude and what he said. I still say Bolland was kidding around and playing to his audience. Not to say he loves the Canucks players / organization (or the weirdo's here ), but i think his words have been taken out of context!
This gets me to thinking about the hate towards the Canucks. It was discussed yesterday afternoon at lengths on the TEAM1040 radio here. I can't remember who it was, but i think it may have been Tony Gallagher who made a comment about how he can understand fans hating on Burrows, Kesler, Lapierre, etc but for the most part, the players here are the kinds of guys who most would love as teammates and in comparing the roster to the Chicago cup winning team of 2010, it baffled him as to why there's so much love for them? Burish, Bolland, Eager, Byfuglien, Brouwer, Ladd....need i go on? That's a pretty impressive group of guys who i could see a lot of people outside of Chicago not liking!
I'm not saying they're a bunch of d-bags, but i can tell you, as much as i respect them all as players and persons, i hated every single one of them while they were on the same ice surface "my" team!  |
Beans15 |
Posted - 12/16/2011 : 12:19:56 I am not jumping on you Alex, as you did clearly say from the start that you didn't have much of an issue with Bolland's comments.
But I have to ask: By you saying, "AV's comments were just as bad, but not at all unexpected. Of course he was gonna throw an insult back," are you not basically say:
Bolland started it. (imagine that being said through the voice of kid getting scolded by their teacher)
Wow, this entire thing reminds me so much of elementary school recess it's not even funny. What's next, "I'm taking my ball and going home???"
Still waiting for these guys who claimed this was so classless and horrible to provide feedback on AV's comments. You know who you are Pasty, Canucks Man and various guests.
All I hear is the sound of crickets chirping..........
What a bunch of weirdos
Alex116 |
Posted - 12/16/2011 : 10:13:38 Beans, it's not a lot, but i did say.......
quote: Originally posted by Alex116 AV's comments were just as bad, but not at all unexpected. Of course he was gonna throw an insult back.
By that point, i'd realized that the Bolland thing was more intended as comedy (imo) than really an insulting tirade against the Canucks so i found no need to get into a debate about who said what and which was worse. If AV was told Bollands comments and wasn't told the context, it doesn't surprise me in the least that he'd say something derogatory in response. I'd have preferred him to simply say no comment, but that wouldn't really add to the rivalry, would it.  |
Beans15 |
Posted - 12/16/2011 : 09:28:17 I finally had a chance to read Vigneault's comments. And I quote,
"Dave Bolland has the IQ of a bird and a face only a mother could look at."
Firstly, this is even more awesome than Bolland comments. I laughed my junk off.
Bolland called the Sedin's girls, said they sleep in bunk beds, and said there are a bunch of weirdos in Vancouver. Vigneault called Bolland ugly and stupid. Really, these are lines that you would hear on virtually every play ground of every elementary school in North America. Classless?? Not a chance. Childish?? Absolutely!
But seriously, where are all those fans who were outraged at Bolland's comments now?? No one has said anything along the lines of, "AV should not have said what he said," or "AV's comments were also classless." Where is everyone who said if a Canuck was to make comments like Bolland that I would chastise them??? Hmmm... Anyone??? Anyone??? Bueller??? Bueller???
Where is that definition of hypocrite........... |
Guest4018 |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 22:22:38 Vignault's comment comparing Bolland's IQ to the size of a bird seed is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard... WHAT !?!?!?!?! IQ is measured by numbers !!! what an idiot.. I would be embarrassed if Mike Babcock said that while 'trying' to stick up for one of my red wings. |
Alex116 |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 18:52:59 quote: Originally posted by Guest8850
Who is Bolland!! Who is Bolland u say?!?!? Let me use some memory for those who didnt watch the playoffs last year. Bolland is injured and Van wins the first 3 games making it 3-0 Van in the series. Bolland returns to the line up and Hawks win the next 3 making it 3-3 in the series and making it a series instead of a sweep. Bolland earned 2 Goals and 4 Assists (6 points in 4 games) How about a 2005 Memorial Cup with the London Knights. How about a Gold Medal with team Canada in the 2006 world juniors. And if thats not enough how about a Stanly Cup bringing the Hawks out of a 49yr. drought. I for one would be happy to have Bolland come to the Oilers. I would rather have him with the heart he plays with then either or both `Sisters` come to the Oilers. For Real though who wants Danielle Sedin when she thinks she can just `Gaurantee the Win` in game 7 of the finals vs. Boston. His words not mine. Dave Bolland is a proud Canadian hockey player who deserves more respect and he will get more from me then any Canuck player. Mind you so would any Calgary Player and im from Edmonton. Vancouver is an awesome City with a s*** attitude for hockey. And as for `Class` who cares.. It`s not about Classless or full of Class. It`s about the game and Dave wants to put on for his city then that just makes him that much better! Congratulations to your sucess Dave and keep flying under the radar!!
You know, this is hardly worth my time to respond, but i'm bored, so i will anyway. Keep in mind, if you've read my posts, you'll see i'm one of the few Canucks fans that really doesn't think Bollands comments were all that bad and that they were probably more an effort on his part to entertain an audience than anything else.
Now, lemme dissect what you just said, and i will not call you a fool for it, seeing as you've basically done that yourself! Let see......
First and foremost, before i even get to your comments about how you'd prefer Bolland on your team to either Sedin, let's just throw out what most Canuck haters and/or Chi fans (or those who rooted for them over the Canucks) say when it comes to the year before. This of course is in response to your breakdown of everything Bolland, what he's accomplished, and most importantly, how he played in that series. Oh yeah, THAT series. Who the ____ won THAT series? Get it? Just like those who claim Bolland is better than the Sedin's cuz he has a ring. Works the other way around too, no?
I need not list the Sedin's Hart trophy's, gold medals, etc as i think anyone who knows ANYTHING about hockey, would realize either of the "sisters", as you like to refer to them, is far more valuable to an NHL team than Dave Bolland. Now, go easy, like i said, i don't hate Bolland and in fact i even admit he's got great value in his role, but unfortunately not to the value of the "sisters".
As for Sedin's "guarantee", whoopedy do! He's not the first, and he's not the last guy who's gone out on a limb and done that. So it didn't work. Oh, he's such a bad person. lol.
Here's the most important thing, that gave away your obvious Canuck hatred.
quote: Originally posted by Guest8850 His words not mine. Dave Bolland is a proud Canadian hockey player who deserves more respect and he will get more from me then any Canuck player. Mind you so would any Calgary Player and im from Edmonton. Vancouver is an awesome City with a s*** attitude for hockey.
Just read that, and then feel free to explain to any of us who enjoy debating these topics without such bias, how we're supposed to take anything you say regarding the Canucks seriously? An Oiler fan who respects Flames players more than Canucks. No, you don't fit the mold of a "Canucks hater" at all, do you.  |
Beans15 |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 18:35:25 quote: Originally posted by Alex116
quote: Originally posted by Guest4633
Bolland only tells it like it is The Sister Sleep in Bunk Beds... Awesome Statment.. Hey Bolland has something the SISTERS dont that is Lord Stanley ring and you sure wont get it this yr with Mr SIV Lou in net....
Welcome! Glad you made it out from under that rock. If you found those comments amusing, funny, etc, or "awesome" as you stated, you've clearly been hiding somewhere. Here i got a good one for you..... Why did the chicken cross.....ah, nevermind. 
nuxfan, i'm assuming you read the article in the Province or maybe something online? I read the Province one and it said something similar to what you mention. I will say again though, keep in mind the forum he was on/in. He was apparently at Harry Carey's (restaurant i think) in Chicago and there was obviously a bunch of Chicago fans there. I still get the feeling the feeling that he was trying to entertain more than anything else. AV's comments were just as bad, but not at all unexpected. Of course he was gonna throw an insult back.
I do maintain though, and this is not just at Beans, but i have no doubt in my mind that if this were Burrows, Kesler, Lapierre, Bieksa, etc saying something like that here in Vancouver at a restaurant, fan rally, etc, they'd be far more villified in the media and throughout the league. That's just what you get as the most hated team, a little bias.
Let's not turn this into a typical every hate the Canucks thread. Sure, the Canucks don't get much love out of Vancouver. But Philly doesn't get much love either, nor Boston, Montreal, Toronto, et al. Vancouver is ONE of the hates teams, not teh only one. These types of comments are typical of many teams. However, when 'respected' teams like Nashville, Detroit, St. Louis et al are involved in media wars, people tend to listen more. I mean respected in the form of teams that don't engage much in the media wars, are always diplomatic in interview, and are generally the more gentlemanly teams.
Does anyone have a link to AV's comments?? He has been known to not hold back in interviews and I have not had a chance to keep tabs on the story. |
Guest8850 |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 17:20:27 Who is Bolland!! Who is Bolland u say?!?!? Let me use some memory for those who didnt watch the playoffs last year. Bolland is injured and Van wins the first 3 games making it 3-0 Van in the series. Bolland returns to the line up and Hawks win the next 3 making it 3-3 in the series and making it a series instead of a sweep. Bolland earned 2 Goals and 4 Assists (6 points in 4 games) How about a 2005 Memorial Cup with the London Knights. How about a Gold Medal with team Canada in the 2006 world juniors. And if thats not enough how about a Stanly Cup bringing the Hawks out of a 49yr. drought. I for one would be happy to have Bolland come to the Oilers. I would rather have him with the heart he plays with then either or both `Sisters` come to the Oilers. For Real though who wants Danielle Sedin when she thinks she can just `Gaurantee the Win` in game 7 of the finals vs. Boston. His words not mine. Dave Bolland is a proud Canadian hockey player who deserves more respect and he will get more from me then any Canuck player. Mind you so would any Calgary Player and im from Edmonton. Vancouver is an awesome City with a s*** attitude for hockey. And as for `Class` who cares.. It`s not about Classless or full of Class. It`s about the game and Dave wants to put on for his city then that just makes him that much better! Congratulations to your sucess Dave and keep flying under the radar!! |
nuxfan |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 12:35:21 quote: Originally posted by Alex116 I do maintain though, and this is not just at Beans, but i have no doubt in my mind that if this were Burrows, Kesler, Lapierre, Bieksa, etc saying something like that here in Vancouver at a restaurant, fan rally, etc, they'd be far more villified in the media and throughout the league. That's just what you get as the most hated team, a little bias.
For me the weird thing is not Bolland flapping his gums (he's Chicago's version of Burrows, so its to be expected), its the target. The Sedin's? Really? They might be two of the most respectful and diplomatic hockey players in the NHL. They go out and do their thing with a huge amount of success, they don't say anything bad about anyone else, they don't generally get mixed up in things on-ice, and their community involvement is staggering. Henrik is the captain, Daniel is an alternate. You'd be hard pressed to find a nicer couple of players.
I get Carcillo going after Lapierre or Torres, or Bieksa reacting to Bolland, or Bolland going after Kesler/Burrows/Bieksa, or all of them going after each other, hey thats rivalry. But the Sedins - other than being easy targets for Bolland because they're a) twins b) European, its weird.
Imagine if Burrows or Lapierre suddenly went on the air in a public forum and started calling Jonathan Toews a girl, saying he slept in bunkbeds with his brother, and that he would never be welcome on the Canucks. I agree with Alex - we'd never hear the end of it. |
Guest6831 |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 11:04:52 quote: Originally posted by Beans15
It's not classless if Bolland called the Sedin's sisters and made a comment about them sleeping in bunk beds!!!
No class??Suck it up. It's not like there has never been a Canuck to make comments like this in the media before!! None of you would be on here calling your own team classless If these were comments being made by Canucks players towards the Blackhawks! Get a grip. Nothing was said that was malicious or derogatory was it??
For those who did not read the story, Bolland did call the Sedin's sister, made a comment about them sleeping in bunk beds, and said they would not be welcome as Blackhawks. He also said that he hates all the Canucks and doesn't like Vancouver, saying he stays in his hotel mostly as there are, "alot of weirdos there."
Nothing derogetory, malicious, or classless. Not in my books. This is just another example of 'some' Canucks fans whining and complaining when the whole world does not confess their unconditional love for all things Orca. Like I needed another reason to dislike 'some' Canucks fans.
Why can't you all be like Alex and Nux?? The are not 'some' Canucks fans. They are logically and passionate.
ok big time, prove it then. point me to where i can find a canuck calling an opponent a woman? You are a canuck hating [Mod Edit - No need for name calling]. |
Guest9158 |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 09:51:33 After hearing the actual interview in question, I'd have to say the most embarrassing part of the whole thing was the guys in the background giggling after everyone of his comments like a young girl on her first date w the high school quarterback
No wonder he kept going w it, the lovestruck fans in the background had him convinced he was actually funny |
Alex116 |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 09:42:33 quote: Originally posted by Guest4633
Bolland only tells it like it is The Sister Sleep in Bunk Beds... Awesome Statment.. Hey Bolland has something the SISTERS dont that is Lord Stanley ring and you sure wont get it this yr with Mr SIV Lou in net....
Welcome! Glad you made it out from under that rock. If you found those comments amusing, funny, etc, or "awesome" as you stated, you've clearly been hiding somewhere. Here i got a good one for you..... Why did the chicken cross.....ah, nevermind. 
nuxfan, i'm assuming you read the article in the Province or maybe something online? I read the Province one and it said something similar to what you mention. I will say again though, keep in mind the forum he was on/in. He was apparently at Harry Carey's (restaurant i think) in Chicago and there was obviously a bunch of Chicago fans there. I still get the feeling the feeling that he was trying to entertain more than anything else. AV's comments were just as bad, but not at all unexpected. Of course he was gonna throw an insult back.
I do maintain though, and this is not just at Beans, but i have no doubt in my mind that if this were Burrows, Kesler, Lapierre, Bieksa, etc saying something like that here in Vancouver at a restaurant, fan rally, etc, they'd be far more villified in the media and throughout the league. That's just what you get as the most hated team, a little bias.
Guest4633 |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 09:22:00 Bolland only tells it like it is The Sister Sleep in Bunk Beds... Awesome Statment.. Hey Bolland has something the SISTERS dont that is Lord Stanley ring and you sure wont get it this yr with Mr SIV Lou in net.... |
nuxfan |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 09:10:26 quote: Originally posted by Guest4572 I think the Sedins are great players, but like it or not, so is Dave Bolland. He is very much a key part of Chicago's success and was a very important player in their Stanley Cup run in 2010. He not only shut down the Sedins, but also did a great shadowing job against Joe Thornton in San Jose that year. For anybody to say that he's no good, that person doesn't watch the Hawks much or doesn't understand the game.
All true. Which is probably why you don't see the Canucks players taking childish potshots at Dave Bolland - they certainly have a respect for the Hawks and what Bolland brings to the table.
Anyhoo, it all looks like it's moot - Bolland has retracted his statements, and claimed the utmost respect for the Sedin's, Vignault, and the Canuck organization. No doubt one or more inside the Hawks organization recognized that he was out of order. |
n/a |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 08:52:44 It was disrespectful, sure . . . and not a cool comment, no. But taken into context with where he was, and what he was doing, I can see it happening as not the biggest of deals. If he was a classier player, he might come out with a half apology later and explain he was just trying to be funny and meant no disrespect . . . but unlikely to happen now after Vigneault's comments.
From a Chicago perspective, I'd think the coach is more pissed at Bolland than the Canucks though. Teams LIVE to get up for locker room posted comments like these . . . and the Sedins are two guys who can certainly hurt you real bad on the scoreboard, and the Canucks don't have a soft team really behind them.
Makes me look forward to their next game though!
"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug |
Guest1451 |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 08:47:35 I wasn't the one who called you a hypocrite in the first place, just enjoying a bit of irony. I actually don't care if you are any of those things or not. I will now sit back and let you guys argue about how much "class," guys who get paid truckloads of money to play a kids game have. Or maybe I'll take a nap and wait for the games to start. That's hypocrisy. |
Beans15 |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 07:44:27 quote: Originally posted by Guest0168
Who is Dave bolland? . . Bieksa put it best. . "if he doesn't want the sedins on his team it's prob because he'd b out of a roster spot if they had two more forwards". .
Gotta love this rivalry, shame they won't see as much of eachother next year
This is perfect and exactly what I would expect a competitor to do. Fire back. Not disrespectfully, but fire back. Don't cry and complain about words. Fire back yourselves and even better, fire back on the ice.
To the guest who challenged my spelling. You are 100% correct. My typing is horrible. My spelling is not much better. I can admit that. Can you help me understand the meaning of hypocrite and then explain how I am one??? Once you fail, I am curious to see if you will admit that either you used the word incorrectly or don't understand the meaning???
Disagreeable, arrogant, annoying, or any other word that describes me and I would not argue. A hypocrite, I am not.
Guest1451 |
Posted - 12/15/2011 : 06:29:06 Awesome. The guy who is going to explain the meaning of the word hypocrite can't spell it. Probably my favorite post I've ever read. As for two teams that hate each other talking trash, I am shocked and probably will never be able to watch another hockey game ever. Next thing that you guys are going to tell me is that the players swear. |
Alex116 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 23:50:39 quote: Originally posted by Guest4572
Here's a take from a Hawks fan. Maybe Dave Bolland probably went a little too far in his comments about the Sedins, but he was on a Chicago radio show and it was tongue-in cheek. I think Alain Vigneault's response was worse. I wish Bolland did not say the remarks about the "weirdos" in Vancouver, because I'm sure the city of Chicago has those too. I think the Sedins are great players, but like it or not, so is Dave Bolland. He is very much a key part of Chicago's success and was a very important player in their Stanley Cup run in 2010. He not only shut down the Sedins, but also did a great shadowing job against Joe Thornton in San Jose that year. For anybody to say that he's no good, that person doesn't watch the Hawks much or doesn't understand the game. He is arguably the best third line center in the NHL today as he shuts down the other team's top center, but also is a gifted offensive player when needed. He's similar to Ryan Kesler, except Kesler has put up better offensive numbers in the NHL, but their styles are similar. Similar to Kesler, I'll bet you that every NHL team would love to have a Dave Bolland type player on their team because he's a winner. As far as the one poster suggesting that the Sedins have more class than äll of the Chicago players combined", that's ridiculous. Among others on the team, three immediate Hawks who certainly are classy players include their Captain Jonathan Toews and their Assistants, Patrick Sharp & Duncan Keith. Not only that, they're all winners too and have a Stanley Cup ring to prove it.
Well written post Guest. I can't deny that i'd take Bolland on my team if i had the chance!
For the record, i heard some of the audio on this interview and while i don't have all the facts, it appears as though it was in some sort of open forum with an audience of sorts and not just a regular radio interview. There was a lot of laughing in the background at some of his responses and comments and i actually got the feeling he was acting like a standup comic! After hearing the bit i heard, i have even less problem with his comments. I still don't like the comments he made about the Sedin's (both the "sisters" comment and the part about "not allowing them on their team") but maybe even those were in fact a little more tongue in cheek than we all realize.
In all, if it brings a spark to the rivalry a good 4 months before the "real games" begin, i'm all good with it! This Vancouver Weirdo say's "Bring it on!"..... |
Guest4572 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 22:16:23 Here's a take from a Hawks fan. Maybe Dave Bolland probably went a little too far in his comments about the Sedins, but he was on a Chicago radio show and it was tongue-in cheek. I think Alain Vigneault's response was worse. I wish Bolland did not say the remarks about the "weirdos" in Vancouver, because I'm sure the city of Chicago has those too. I think the Sedins are great players, but like it or not, so is Dave Bolland. He is very much a key part of Chicago's success and was a very important player in their Stanley Cup run in 2010. He not only shut down the Sedins, but also did a great shadowing job against Joe Thornton in San Jose that year. For anybody to say that he's no good, that person doesn't watch the Hawks much or doesn't understand the game. He is arguably the best third line center in the NHL today as he shuts down the other team's top center, but also is a gifted offensive player when needed. He's similar to Ryan Kesler, except Kesler has put up better offensive numbers in the NHL, but their styles are similar. Similar to Kesler, I'll bet you that every NHL team would love to have a Dave Bolland type player on their team because he's a winner. As far as the one poster suggesting that the Sedins have more class than äll of the Chicago players combined", that's ridiculous. Among others on the team, three immediate Hawks who certainly are classy players include their Captain Jonathan Toews and their Assistants, Patrick Sharp & Duncan Keith. Not only that, they're all winners too and have a Stanley Cup ring to prove it. |
Guest0168 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 22:07:07 Who is Dave bolland? . . Bieksa put it best. . "if he doesn't want the sedins on his team it's prob because he'd b out of a roster spot if they had two more forwards". .
Gotta love this rivalry, shame they won't see as much of eachother next year |
Guest8648 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 21:09:07 Agree with Beans, everyone is getting softer nowaday. This kinda stuff is great, makes me chuckle and it makes for a great hockey game. Bolland said some stuff, big deal Vancouver, call the wambulance. If you really think this is totally classless and cant handle some hilarious rival bickering, get outta here, im sure there isnt any of this "no class" banter in ringette... |
Beans15 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 20:29:01 Beans in a hypocrite. That is awesome. Perhaps people should understand the meaning of words before they use them.
As far as the comment on Burrows, if he was to say something about disliking another team or another city, so be it. The only issue I have ever had with the comments Burrows has made was when he was whining and crying about how he is treated so poorly by the refs. Not sure if that answers the question or not but it is hard to answer as I don't recall Burrows making comments like Bolland did. We'll cross that bridge if and when we get there. I don't think I would have an issue with it, but maybe I would. If that happens, call me a hypocrite all you want. I won't argue.
In fact, I would challenge anyone to look through any of my 6000+ posts to find anywhere that I called a player classless or anything else for making comments towards another player, team, or city. Hockey is one of the most competative sports in the world. There is or should be a certain level of hate for all other teams. I don't have a problem with someone talking smack as long as it is not derogatory. If it crosses the line, then fine. Calling players 'girls', eluding to the point that they would not be welcome to a team, and saying there are a lot of weirdos in a city does not cross that line. Racially, religiously, sexual preference, etc does cross the line. I would take issues with comments like that. Weirdos?? C'mon, every city has those.
I have listened to various negative comment towards the Oilers as a team (remember the skipping out on the bill fiasco in Calgary a few years ago) from media. Former players (Chris Pronger/Mike Comrie anyone??) have made comment much like Bolland did about this city and the team. How about the Flames/Oilers rivalry from the 80's when virtually every player from either team would take shots at the other in interviews??
My final word on this is holy crap batman. Have we ever gotten soft.
Guest6911 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 19:15:53 Beans is a hypocrite. Enough said |
Oilearl |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 15:38:00  Well like Sashis says The coaches response was not thought out, I love trash talk but this may have gone over the line on both parts. Now bring on the games!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
sahis34 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 15:01:39 "david bolland has an IQ the size of bird seed and a face only a mother can love." Vigneult
That's a lot worse than what bolland said |
Alex116 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 14:40:46 Lol.....doesn't really bother me a whole lot. Not to say that i don't think he went a little overboard on his comments, but let's face it, he was on a Chicago radio show!!! The only part that really bothers me is saying that the Sedin's would never be "let on our team"? Since when does Dave Bolland have a say on player personel? As someone else alluded to, it's ignorant to claim that two of the top players in the league wouldn't be accepted on their team? Hate them for whatever reason you may have, but be realistic. For example, like Burrows to many others, i can't stand Brad Marchand whatsoever, but if improved the Canucks and was traded here, i'd quite likely become a fan of his!
The "sisters" thing is more tired than me after a week in a Vegas brothel! Maybe people outside of Vancouver haven't heard the term all that much but around here, it's spent. It's also surprising that anyone could hate those two to the point of insulting them like that. Yes Beans, i do consider called two grown twin men "sisters", insulting.
I have no problem with him hating Vancouver as a city, as he's clearly in the minority there. As for weirdo's, OH YEAH, we got lots of'em, most of them imported from back east of course (sorry Toronto) Who knows though, it's not unlikely that he's run into some drunk rowdies here or perhaps some street bums who've bugged him and that impression of the city sticks with him? Then again, maybe it's the dudes he's met on lavalife and invited to that hotel room that he says he hides in who have turned out to be weirdos??? 
Beans, about this part though......
quote: Originally posted by Beans15
No class??Suck it up. It's not like there has never been a Canuck to make comments like this in the media before!! None of you would be on here calling your own team classless If these were comments being made by Canucks players towards the Blackhawks! Get a grip. Nothing was said that was malicious or derogatory was it??
Lemme ask you this, and please, think about your answer cuz i'm pretty sure i know what you'd honestly think/say....What if this were Burrows saying this about Chicago or any other team for that matter and it's players? I have a funny feeling you wouldn't be defending him whatsoever and rather be on the attack. I may be wrong, but that's where my money would go!
That's not to say Bolland is right or wrong and maybe you're just taking the other side in this debate but you can't tell me you'd defend Burrows for something similar can you?
I don't feel like Bolland insulted the whole Canucks team / roster / organization really. If he hates our city, so be it. He found some weirdo's? If he said Vancouverites were all rude, arrogant, classless, etc then that might be insulting. I mean, he could have said he hates this city because of the weather and therefore hides in his room and that wouldn't really be considered an insult would it? I do think he insulted the Sedin's and he's not the first or last to do so. These two get little respect around the league considering their accomplishments. Then again, Crosby used to get called out a lot as a whiner early in his career and that's not necessarily fair either.
In all, i think this was mostly due to the fact that it was an interview on the Chicago airwaves, and no doubt it will amp up the rivalry even more! Overall, i think he went a little far on the comments to the Sedin's but that's about it. The rivalry is HUGE, the hatred between teams is HUGE and i too am praying for a Chi / Van playoff series again this year (even if Chi would prob be the favorite at this point and it would likely take a few more years off my life watching ). |
Guest4803 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 14:15:18 Beans puts his blinders on as soon as anything is said about the Canucks, if it something slamming the canucks then its perfectly fine, if its a canuck acting up then its disrespectful and not tolerated...had this been Bolland saying something about the Oilers organization im sure Beans would of wanted Bolland Suspended. Bolland would be nothing without sharp and kane...keep chirpping bud |
nuxfan |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 13:55:15 Its no secret that neither team likes the other at all. Bolland's comments are just one more jab in a long and bitter rivalry that runs between Chicago and Vancouver - I honestly wonder if its perhaps the best and most bitter rivalry in the NHL today, only MTL/BOS might come close. That being said, I don't think I've heard any comments from Canuck players that targetted a specific player from the Hawks like Bolland's rant and Carcillo's rant earlier in the year, but if thats how they want to run, so be it. Before losing last year's playoff series, the rivalry was intense but mostly under the covers, and it seems to have taken on a new life since last year's first round win by VAN.
IMO the whole "Sedin sister" thing is old and tired, it was popular in the early days of their career when they weren't scoring much and looked weak on the ice. But back to back Art Ross trophies and a Hart trophy, coupled with their rise to superstardom in the NHL really did away with a lot of it. |
Canucks Man |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 13:52:09 Calling 2 grown men "Sisters, and calling an entire city a "Bunch of Wierdos" definatly shows a lot of class, so sorry beans, I must have taken it the wrong way Bolland is just showering with class, and for someone to say that they wouldnt want 2 of the best players in the world on your team kind of shows how educated of a hockey player he is. Spot on Bolland, Good for you for showing all of us your Class and Smartness.
Porkchop73 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 13:47:02 I sure hope the Hawks and Nucks meet in the playoffs again. It seems these teams just don't like each other. I don't see a total lack of class from Bolland, he's just trash talkin, firing up the boys. And lets face it, there are a lot of weirdos in Vancouver. |
Pasty7 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 12:57:28 Beano if any hab said this about any other team say the Bruins i would be ashamed, could you define Class for me, this guy attacks an entire city, for no reason bah if this is the kind of NHL you want fine but in the NHL i love their is no place for this,
"I led the league in "Go get 'em next time." - Bob Uecker
Beans15 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 12:34:56 It's not classless if Bolland called the Sedin's sisters and made a comment about them sleeping in bunk beds!!!
No class??Suck it up. It's not like there has never been a Canuck to make comments like this in the media before!! None of you would be on here calling your own team classless If these were comments being made by Canucks players towards the Blackhawks! Get a grip. Nothing was said that was malicious or derogatory was it??
For those who did not read the story, Bolland did call the Sedin's sister, made a comment about them sleeping in bunk beds, and said they would not be welcome as Blackhawks. He also said that he hates all the Canucks and doesn't like Vancouver, saying he stays in his hotel mostly as there are, "alot of weirdos there."
Nothing derogetory, malicious, or classless. Not in my books. This is just another example of 'some' Canucks fans whining and complaining when the whole world does not confess their unconditional love for all things Orca. Like I needed another reason to dislike 'some' Canucks fans.
Why can't you all be like Alex and Nux?? The are not 'some' Canucks fans. They are logically and passionate. |
Pasty7 |
Posted - 12/14/2011 : 12:04:26 yeah i am neither a Nucks fan or Hawks fan, but this really turns me off to the Black Hawks, not only does he insult the Canucks roster entirely including their two top players but he goes on to Insult the whole city and it`s population, If it was some sort of toungue and cheek joke it was not funny at all,
it wasn`t even a very good way to sell the`riveraly` it would be one thing if it was like when Carcilo sounded off about Lapierre, Carcilo has a reasonable reason to dislike Lapierre and he expressed it in a colourfull manner, but this , this is just crap we re not in the NFL here what crap
"I led the league in "Go get 'em next time." - Bob Uecker