PickupHockey Legend

6113 Posts |
Posted - 12/15/2013 : 20:54:06
After a quick look, it's easy to see that anyone giving any sane advice would need a lot more info before offering you any help.
Things that would help.... 1. Keeper league? 1 year league? 2. Number of players on your roster. 3. Is there a mandatory number of dmen needed? Goalies? 4. Scoring stats in your pool? What are goals worth? Assists? Wins? Shutouts? Dmen goals/points? etc, etc..... 5. Is the "me" / "them" who you're giving? Or who you're getting? ie. Is Bobby Ryan the guy you're giving for Subban or the guy your getting in return for Subban?
See what i'm getting at? However, the Kunitz one def favours whoever is getting Chris Kunitz by a long shot! No, not because Kunitz plays with Crosby, but because the only Matt Garrison I can find on the net is a Jazz Bassist? *side note....I know you meant Jason Garrison, but had to throw that crack in there!  |