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 Vancouver injuries at start of 08/09 season

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MSC Posted - 10/08/2008 : 10:59:51
A friend of mine just mentioned Luongo(collarbone) and one of the Sedins have been injured. I can't seem to find anything about this. Any truth to the rumor?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Canucks Man Posted - 10/14/2008 : 10:34:52
I guess they were just rumers considering luongo and both sedins have played in every game so far.

MSC Posted - 10/08/2008 : 12:09:26
On one of the hockey pool sites I use it has the injured cross by their names.
Canucks Man Posted - 10/08/2008 : 11:35:02
From what I can tell it was just rumers, i have looked at a few dfferent sites and i get emails on canucks news and I havent heard anything.


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