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 Jack Johnson's Jackets' Jersey

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Guest4377 Posted - 03/08/2012 : 19:53:33
Pardon the alliteration, but I couldn't help but notice the number of J's in this story line.

You may notice a few more Jack Johnson jerseys at Columbus home games. Feeling a bit bad for fans who shelled out big bucks for (here's another "J") Jeff Carter jerseys, the Blue Jackets have offered to exchange the namebars for any fans with Carter jerseys.

I assume Carter wore #7 when he played for the Blue Jackets (he wears #77 for L.A. now), so this might explain why the team made the offer to exchange jerseys for just Jack Johnson, who wears #7 for Columbus.

A nice gesture on Columbus' part, especially since a lot of fans thought Carter was going to be a Blue Jacket for a long time, not nine months as it turned out.

I often wonder how fans feel when a player is traded, just after paying $200 (or thereabouts) for their favourite player's jersey?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Clatts Posted - 03/12/2012 : 10:21:26
Kinda makes you think if this is more about being a slap in the face of Jeff Carter than a bonus for Johnson or the fans.

"Most of the guys that wear them are Europeans and French Guys."
Don Cherry on Visors
n/a Posted - 03/11/2012 : 09:10:26
A well thought out move by the Columbus Bluejackets PR department, well done by them. And, most appropriate.

I do think they have some things to be excited about though . . . the young talent they got in the Carter and Vermette trades, and all the other trades; and the return they are going to get from Rick Nash, who is trying to finish off the season in a much better way stats-wise and looks to be traded this summer. And, of course, the top 3 pick they will get in the draft, and they can have their new face of the franchise, likely Yakupov at #1 or Grigorenko if afterward.

At least . . . they aren't in nowhere land anymore - they are clearly rebuilding again, sure - and there is a lot of young talent to look forward to here.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Clatts Posted - 03/11/2012 : 08:31:41
I don't think fans should expect this to be done anytime a team trades a player, in this case though it is a very smart move as CBJ fans don't have much reason to come down to the rink this year...especially with a carter jersey on. If I was a CBJ fan i'd want to wait and get a Nail Yakapov jersey

"Most of the guys that wear them are Europeans and French Guys."
Don Cherry on Visors
Alex116 Posted - 03/08/2012 : 21:54:23
Great idea, i heard the Vancouver sports radio guys chatting about this today and how the Canucks, and other teams, should do the same thing! Of course, it's prob only manageable when guys end up with the same numbers. Zack Kassian is now wearing Cody Hodgson's old number 9 so it could easily be done here!

Sahis, CBJ is currently giving their fans wins too! 4 in a row after a 3-1 win over the Kings! Jack Johnson contributed a goal in the defeat of his former team.
sahis34 Posted - 03/08/2012 : 21:00:01
stop striving stupidly for sequential alliteration s***head. Jk. Its a good idea, but they still cant give there fans wins, or nash it looks like.

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