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 Why i hate the oilers fans

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Guest8571 Posted - 12/08/2008 : 18:16:10
they are so ignorant they always think they have a great team at the start of the season and then they suck. AAnd also they will attempt to make it seem like they know about others teams when they really never watch them..
40   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest9235 Posted - 02/05/2009 : 15:05:55
Originally posted by slozo

Guest 9235 - I am guessing that you are still in school?

Nobody with half a brain or over the age of 18 would say that the Leafs might be one player away from having the best team . . . unless they were being sarcastic.

And on Oiler fans: they are some of the most die-hard, loyal fans I have ever met. I count the Oilers as my second team, a necessity for Leafs fans. Yes, lots of teams get over-rated every year - lots of teams get under-rated every year too. Did Boston fans, New Jersey fans, think their teams would be doing so well? It's why we play the games . . . and of course, there is a tendency to over-rate your own team.

Guest 8571 - you are ignorant of the facts.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug

Unfortunatley, it seems like most the leafs fans i talk to have less than half a brain. Not all are so ignorant and i can actually stand to talk hockey with them, but ive met 1 or 2 who seriously think the leafs will win the cup this year, and they are over 18.
fat_elvis_rocked Posted - 02/04/2009 : 14:47:29
Originally posted by Guest6252

ok there are 2 teams i hate WILDS and OILERS and the pilers fans there ugh i dont no if we are allowed to swear in here so yeah lol anyway agreed

Uhhh....I think you missed a 'dude!', 'sux', and maybe a couple 'likes' in there, but good try.

PS. Hooked on phonics worked for me!!

fat_elvis_rocked Posted - 02/04/2009 : 14:40:42
Originally posted by Guest9235
[I don't know what leafs fans you talked to but ive heard many say the leafs are the best canadian team, the best team period, and will win the cup this year or are one player away from the cup.

Please tell me this discussion happened between medication times, while you were struggling with your straight jacket!!!

I'd hate to think it happened out here...with us normal folk.
Oilking Posted - 02/04/2009 : 10:58:32
Originally posted by Guest8571

they are so ignorant they always think they have a great team at the start of the season and then they suck. AAnd also they will attempt to make it seem like they know about others teams when they really never watch them..

I watch the Oil and yes we do watch other teams and read blogs and such from and about other teams so before you attack us as fans maybe you should learn more about who you are critizing <sp>.Sorry all I hate when people make general comments about stuff like this. I know the Oil are a few players from being a contender as a few years ago we had those few players.

Oh well here we go again
n/a Posted - 12/28/2008 : 06:36:07
Guest 9235 - I am guessing that you are still in school?

Nobody with half a brain or over the age of 18 would say that the Leafs might be one player away from having the best team . . . unless they were being sarcastic.

And on Oiler fans: they are some of the most die-hard, loyal fans I have ever met. I count the Oilers as my second team, a necessity for Leafs fans. Yes, lots of teams get over-rated every year - lots of teams get under-rated every year too. Did Boston fans, New Jersey fans, think their teams would be doing so well? It's why we play the games . . . and of course, there is a tendency to over-rate your own team.

Guest 8571 - you are ignorant of the facts.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Guest9235 Posted - 12/27/2008 : 14:41:33
Originally posted by Guest6544

Originally posted by Jephman

Hahaha, it's called being optimistic, that's a quality every fan I have met has for their team.

Sure but Oilers fans over do it and can have highly unrealistic expectations . I did not hear a single Leaf fan this past summer go around parading about how good the Leafs were going to be this season...meanwhile Oilers fans were off the charts, guaranteed playoff team, division title , high-flying offense, yadda, yadda, yadda.

I don't know what leafs fans you talked to but ive heard many say the leafs are the best canadian team, the best team period, and will win the cup this year or are one player away from the cup.
Porkchop73 Posted - 12/27/2008 : 09:32:13
Originally posted by Guest7038

I've been an oiler fan from day one, yet I have spent most of my life in Ontario. I have been forced to watch mediocre Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal teams (and the occasional good one) on TV for years. No matter how crappy a gameToronto is playing, CBC will force it down our throats. Not to mention sportsnet and the NHL's idiotic regional only viewing. You can't even purchase the individual PPv's. Stupidity. So, my point is that most oiler fans do know a bit about the league as a whole. As well, the Oilers are sitting with a 6-3-1 record in their last ten. Still lots of optimism here! See you in the playoffs! What team do you cheer for......

Guest 7038, I am not an Oiler fan but I do enjoy watching the Oil, I also live in Ontario. I disagree with your opinion of being forced to watch mediocre hockey with Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa. You do have the option of getting the NHL centre ice package and you will always be able to watch any game, I have it and I have watched any Oiler, Flame or Canuck game that I want. Also, it may be a case of you having loyal fan syndrome, but the hockey that is being played by those teams you mention is often good hockey to watch, Ottawa has three exciting players that can put together a highlight reel goal at any time. The Habs have a contending team with a young goalie who can steal the show. The Leafs, well, at least some of their games have been very exciting with fast entertaining hockey. Like I said in an earlier post for this topic, if anyone gets the chance to see an Oil game in Edmonton then go and you will see what Oil fans are all about, an Oil game at Rexall Place and it's crazy Oil fans will give a hockey experience you won't soon forget. Like I said earlier I am not an Oil fan but I will never forget my experiences at an Oil game.
Guest7038 Posted - 12/27/2008 : 06:15:45
I've been an oiler fan from day one, yet I have spent most of my life in Ontario. I have been forced to watch mediocre Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal teams (and the occasional good one) on TV for years. No matter how crappy a gameToronto is playing, CBC will force it down our throats. Not to mention sportsnet and the NHL's idiotic regional only viewing. You can't even purchase the individual PPv's. Stupidity. So, my point is that most oiler fans do know a bit about the league as a whole. As well, the Oilers are sitting with a 6-3-1 record in their last ten. Still lots of optimism here! See you in the playoffs! What team do you cheer for......
DangleFest89 Posted - 12/26/2008 : 12:42:43
Originally posted by Guest6544

Originally posted by Jephman

Hahaha, it's called being optimistic, that's a quality every fan I have met has for their team.

Sure but Oilers fans over do it and can have highly unrealistic expectations . I did not hear a single Leaf fan this past summer go around parading about how good the Leafs were going to be this season...meanwhile Oilers fans were off the charts, guaranteed playoff team, division title , high-flying offense, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Actually everyone thought the Oilers were a sure thing after the strong second half not just Oilers fan pretty sure every sports writer was thinking that to. Well every fantasy Magazine I read had Oilers in the playoffs. so leaf fan shhhhh you sound like your bragging right now towards and 9th place finish hopefully
DangleFest89 Posted - 12/26/2008 : 12:38:32
Originally posted by Guest6293

Originally posted by Guest6196

Originally posted by Guest6252

telll me are there any decent players besides hemsky and horcoff god there keepin the team alive

Do you watch the Oilers, Horcoff is not a good player of rthe money he is making.

agreeed i guess Horcoff does kinda suk and hemsky aint that better

Hemsky ain't that better? i guess PPG isn't good haha watch the guy play before you bash definity a superstar in the making
DangleFest89 Posted - 12/26/2008 : 12:35:14
Originally posted by Guest6196

Originally posted by Guest6252

telll me are there any decent players besides hemsky and horcoff god there keepin the team alive

Do you watch the Oilers, Horcoff is not a good player of rthe money he is making.

For the money horcoff is earning this year he is worth is hes big salary does not pick up till next year but hopefully he can live up to the contract i thinks hes making like 3.5million?
Guest6293 Posted - 12/26/2008 : 12:03:52
Originally posted by Guest6196

Originally posted by Guest6252

telll me are there any decent players besides hemsky and horcoff god there keepin the team alive

Do you watch the Oilers, Horcoff is not a good player of rthe money he is making.

agreeed i guess Horcoff does kinda suk and hemsky aint that better
Guest6544 Posted - 12/24/2008 : 11:15:19
Originally posted by Jephman

Hahaha, it's called being optimistic, that's a quality every fan I have met has for their team.

Sure but Oilers fans over do it and can have highly unrealistic expectations . I did not hear a single Leaf fan this past summer go around parading about how good the Leafs were going to be this season...meanwhile Oilers fans were off the charts, guaranteed playoff team, division title , high-flying offense, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Guest6196 Posted - 12/24/2008 : 05:56:22
Originally posted by Guest6252

telll me are there any decent players besides hemsky and horcoff god there keepin the team alive

Do you watch the Oilers, Horcoff is not a good player of rthe money he is making.
Guest7913 Posted - 12/23/2008 : 07:19:21
Good Post!
Porkchop73 Posted - 12/22/2008 : 15:16:53
I love these "why I hate the -insert team here- fans threads. This is what makes hockey fans so great in Canada, whatever team people in Canada root for they are fiercely loyal to their team.
Since this one is about Oil fans all I can say is that Oil fans are just crazy. Crazy about the Oil. Very rare to meet a Oil fan that is a bandwagon jumper, most Oil fans paint the Oil colours somewhere on their body on gameday, and if there is one bunch fans that define their hockey team it is the Oil fans. I am not an Oil fan but I have had the priviledge to experience the Oil fans in action many times when I lived in Alberta. If anyone has not been but gets the chance to go to an Oiler game in Edmonton, don't hesitate. Even if you do not like the Oil,or their fans, you will have the hockey experience we all crave as hockey fans. Most of it is because of the Oil fans. I do not hate Oil fans, in fact I do not hate any fans, but I love the way we as fans define our game.
Guest6252 Posted - 12/22/2008 : 13:32:13
telll me are there any decent players besides hemsky and horcoff god there keepin the team alive
Guest6252 Posted - 12/22/2008 : 13:30:13
ok there are 2 teams i hate WILDS and OILERS and the pilers fans there ugh i dont no if we are allowed to swear in here so yeah lol anyway agreed
DangleFest89 Posted - 12/12/2008 : 17:43:17
Well making what he is making while being that age has to be in some terms of star.
Guest2984 Posted - 12/12/2008 : 16:49:18
trade zak and mact to calgary for glencross
Jephman Posted - 12/12/2008 : 15:22:33
You have to realize we needed to offer Penner a large contract or else Anaheim would've resigned him due to the fact that he was an RFA. I think Penner will turn into a solid player and will be well worth it in the long run.
Guest8820 Posted - 12/12/2008 : 13:22:05
Who said anything about "superstar"?
DangleFest89 Posted - 12/11/2008 : 16:08:11
Don't no about Penner becoming that superstar lol but yeah they can't send down JDD or someone can claim him off waivers
Guest8820 Posted - 12/11/2008 : 11:07:23
Don't count Penner out yet. Even Anaheim benched him a few times. He's just one of those players that needs a kick in the butt once in awhile. He will live up to his contract and suprise a lot of doubters.
Crippled Monkeys Posted - 12/11/2008 : 10:32:24
Oiler Fan just has to realize that this isn't their year. They are going to be a great team in the next year or two, but not right now. They have fantastic young talent and have lots of depth in their system. Signing Penner was a joke, and I'm glad that cam back to bite them in the ass but almost every team has that overpaid useless player. I don't think McT is their problem. Not yet anyways, but like 8175 said, have to look at what their record is after this next homestand. If they are still barely over 500 then yah, get rid of him. The big problem is goaltending. I don't agree with rotating three goalies anyways but when two of them are Roloson and Garon then their is going to be problems. Drouin-Deslauriers looks like he is going to be a solid keeper but I think he should be in the AHL. At least there he will get to start 80% of his games.
Guest8820 Posted - 12/10/2008 : 14:16:28
I agree with Danglefest. The Oilers have been changing their team for years now and they're still a team that sits on the .500 mark. The only thing that hasn't changed is MacT and his system. I think that speaks for itself. I do agree Beans that the players need to quit falling asleep at times during the game but the coach is the one who needs to wake them up. MacT just sits behind the bench and doesn't say a word. He may know the right things to say after the game is done, but he has no idea what to do when the game is on. (ex. Garon lets in 4 goals in on 18 shots against Pens and it's obvious to everyone (but MacT) that he is having an off night and needs to be pulled, instead MacT lets him get scored on again, then puts in JDD and the Oilers lose 5 to 4). He has no idea how to swing momentum and thinks juggling lines is the only thing he can do. And Ryan Smyth was more of a clutch player then Doug Weight ever was. Weight was just like Hemsky, nothing without someone to pass to (Guerin). But Hemsky is starting to shoot more and is looking great this year. GO OILERS GO
DangleFest89 Posted - 12/10/2008 : 13:29:15
Beans you can't tell me MacT is the right coach for the Oilers, who puts penner on the pk, how long did it take for him to finally put the 1st line back together after they owned last season. Does anyone on the team actually play there natural positions like come on its sad. He tried to make Penner a 3rd line 4 million dollar checker like come on. I did like how he did finally bench the kid the he got his game back but like I said. Why does such easy decision for regular coaches come so hard for him? But I agree we need a proven goal scorer heres hoping for Heatley or Kovalchuk question is how much are we willing to give up so Hemmer has someone to actually pass to? haha
Beans15 Posted - 12/10/2008 : 13:18:17
Here's this thing the the Oilers, the coaching is not the problem and has never been the problem. MacTavish is more than capable as a coach. He has done nothing wrong with the strategy the team has or the style of play. I don't think any other coach can do anything better.

The problem is 2 fold. 1stly, the players themselves will normally go on at least a 10 minute time period each game where they completely fall asleep and go completely against the game plan. Sure, that is partially coaching, but the players have more of a responsilibity in that than anyone.

The second problem, and by far the biggest problem, is the lack of a bonified clutch player. That guy doesn't have to be a superstar but he has to be able to rise to the occasion when called upon. Sorry fellas, as much as Hemsky has tremedous talent and is having a fine year, he's not clutch. Since Doug Weight left the Oilers back in 2001, the Oilers have not had a single clutch player.

What I mean by clutch is that every other coach in the league can be down one goal with 5 minutes to go in the 3rd and look down their bench to at least one player that can go and will a goal into the net. Might not always happen, but every other team in the league has at least one go-to guy. The Oilers, sadly, don't have that guy on the bench.

Until that guy develops, gets drafted, gets traded to, or is picked up through Free Agency by the Oilers, 6th to 8th place and early play off exits are what can be expected.

MacT isn't the problem and has not been the problem.
Guest8820 Posted - 12/10/2008 : 08:19:08
I'm sorry I went on a rant 8175 but when you call Oiler fans bandwagon jumpers, that is one of the biggest insults you could use which made me question your loyalty to this city and it's team. Please choose your words more carefully next time. As for coaches, why not that UofA coach (sorry, I forget his name). He did a pretty good job with our kid line last year. But in reality, MacT will never leave so I'm not even going to bother complaining about him anymore because it seems management is happy with 8th or 9th place.
DangleFest89 Posted - 12/09/2008 : 20:54:21
I disagree with the Tortella comment remember he did mold Tampa Bay into a Stanley cup team. Also has a Stanley Cup ring more than MacT can ever say well by coaching. Other than that I agree with everything you say this next strech of game should determind but come one we haven't even played full 60 minutes this year at all.
Guest8175 Posted - 12/09/2008 : 20:28:41
Guest8820, I do in fact live in Edmonton and am a die-hard Oiler fan, and I'm not sure I realize how pointing out the fact that we should be happy we picked up 2 points against the best team in hockey makes me a Flamer. Most Oiler fans think MacT being fired will solve all of our problems, but right now, who's going to replace him? Tortorella? No, because he can't handle youth. Quinn? No, because he can't handle youth either. Keep in mind, we've played 18 of our first 26 games on the road and have a winning record (13-11-2). Let's check in after this next stretch of 11 of 14 at home and see how we're doing. That should give you a good indication of whether the coaching is the secret to success.
goleafsgosjnb Posted - 12/09/2008 : 18:33:36
I'm guessing if you grew up in the 80s with those crazy teams, Oilers fans can't help but have a sense of entitlement lol. I mean, they traded the greatest player of alltime and STILL won another cup. That's fairly insane. Not the same thing at all, but can you imagine the 90's Bulls trading Jordan and winning another championship!?

Naa, the Oilers always play exiting hockey win or lose, nothing but love for the oil. They have an enviable good young team now, they will get back to glory eventually.
Thrasher Posted - 12/09/2008 : 12:14:15
Originally posted by Beans15

Doesn't every fan of any team think there team will do well at the start of the season??? Every hockey fan I have ever met thinks their team will win the Cup every year. That's what being a fan is all about!!

haha except Thrasher fans, we all know our team sucks. And BTW i am an Oiler fan, and i agree with Beans. Of course Edmonton fans are excited, they live in Canada and hockey(and oil)is everything in Alberta. They have talented young players that show lots of promise, and considering the finish they had last year, who wouldn't be excited to watch them?
Guest8820 Posted - 12/09/2008 : 08:58:47
Guest 8175, I find it hard to believe that you live in Edmonton because you really have no clue about the Oilers or their fans. The real Oiler fans have want MacT fired for years now, not just because of the game last Saturday. As for bandwagon jumpers...I bet you are one of the guys from Edmonton that bought a flamer jersey in 04 just because Calgary made it to the finals and now you wear that jersey to every Oilers vs Flames game just so you feel like you didn't waste your money even though you aren't a Flame fan.
Guest7650 Posted - 12/09/2008 : 06:19:25
The Oilers have a good team... on paper. Their coaches are teh suck. And they've wanted MacT gone for a long time, because they've sucked for a long time, not because of one game where they were brutally outplayed and got lucky.
Guest9235 Posted - 12/08/2008 : 21:24:30
Its only a quarter way through the season its not like the playoffs have started. The OIlers will have a chance to pick up their game, they have played the most games on the road so far, so that doesnt help their chances for doing good. And it wasnt only Oiler fans saying the oilers would be great this year, i knew flames fans at the start of the season who were worried that the oilers would be better than them and might take the division. At least we arent as bad as some leafs fans out their who think they are 1 player away from the stanley cup, and also thought that last february
DangleFest89 Posted - 12/08/2008 : 21:03:00
High expectation were made for this young team this year. Why wouldn't you be mad when you see a team playing guys like Roli sure he is playing decent now but everyone knows Garon is the true number 1. Also it is nice beating the Sharks in the sharktank but whens its more of a win from sloppy play and amazing goaltending who isn't going to critize especially when were suppose to be a playoff team this year not a late seasons push for eighth place by the way its looking. Also gotta agree with Beans always gotta watch both games and stay up to 1am every saturday atleast after watching teams like the Canadiens what a team should look like you wonder whats wrong with the Oilers the skill is there just something is missing aka fire the coach. MacT has never proven himself in eight years in coaching sure a fluke run which was nice but how many playoff appearance and did we ever have also have we ever started a series at our own barn or what. I'd love to go over stuff MacT does but my list is way to long haha.

Go Oilers Go
Jephman Posted - 12/08/2008 : 20:12:51
Hahaha, it's called being optimistic, that's a quality every fan I have met has for their team.
Guest8175 Posted - 12/08/2008 : 19:40:06
Tell me right now which fans of a Canadian team go into the season thinking "Wow, we suck we don't have a chance and it isn't even worth watching the games." Even Toronto fans still support their team and cheer when they win. Trust me, from living in Edmonton, Oiler fans are the biggest bandwagon jumpers out there. We just beat the best team in hockey at home, and half the city wants to fire the coach because we only had 16 shots.
Beans15 Posted - 12/08/2008 : 18:25:15
Hey, I resemble that comment!!!

Doesn't every fan of any team think there team will do well at the start of the season??? Every hockey fan I have ever met thinks their team will win the Cup every year. That's what being a fan is all about!!

And I would venture to say that it is fans in the east that are less knowledgeable about the game. The fans out west get to watch games from both the east and west without having to stay up until the wee hours of the am. Considering that a hockey game is about 2 1/2 hours and the games out west are starting at 10pm eastern, most of the young fans of the NHL in eastern Canada and the US normally would not see many games out west.

Ultimately, all teams have good a bad fans. (Except Oiler fans of course!!!)

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