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 No love for Ottawa in 2011-2012

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JOSHUACANADA Posted - 10/06/2011 : 13:17:28
Overall there is a sense of no love for Ottawa. Most sports writers, odds makers and posters from this site are expecting less net results from a team 2 to 3 years into a rebuilding process. My question is why? I understand they haven't rebuilt thru the Free Agent pool or made block buster trades. I just dont see this team as the worst of the worst as predicted by many of the posters on this site and as odds makers are predicting.
40   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest4350 Posted - 10/31/2011 : 13:32:18
Originally posted by slozo
An excuse?

Dude, leave the anti-Leaf bias at home.

No, I did not expect to beat Ottawa every single game this season. The Leafs came out flat, and give credit where credit is due, the Sens were flat-out fast and played very well, they deserved the win. I thought it was a terribly officiated game, but the calls went both ways. Ottawa did a great job containing Kessel in particular.

So, because I am a Leaf fan, do I have to sign a waiver after every loss that I accept it as a fair loss? I have to make a public announcement?!?

Just wait for Duke or some other fan boy to post an appropriate response that will undermine your sensible post.
Odin Posted - 10/31/2011 : 09:05:24
I am actually surprised at all the Sens bashing here. I think they will do OK.

Their team certainly isn't the worst I have seen since expansion and I think they have a shot at the playoffs.

They DO have some shooters and skaters. Anderson hasn't been all that great and they are still getting it done.

Bodes well.
n/a Posted - 10/31/2011 : 06:52:08
Originally posted by Guest9898

Originally posted by JOSHUACANADA

6 wins in a row with a win over the Leafs, and I'm loven it.

I'm sure leaf fans will come up with an excuse. Because the leafs never lose to Ottawa, there had to have been a conspiracy or an ulterior movtive. Or better yet a different way to view the loss as a win.

Like the leafs wanted to lose so that revenge would be sweeter.

Oh well Ottawa, enjoy while you can because the lows are going to be real lows.

An excuse?

Dude, leave the anti-Leaf bias at home.

No, I did not expect to beat Ottawa every single game this season. The Leafs came out flat, and give credit where credit is due, the Sens were flat-out fast and played very well, they deserved the win. I thought it was a terribly officiated game, but the calls went both ways. Ottawa did a great job containing Kessel in particular.

So, because I am a Leaf fan, do I have to sign a waiver after every loss that I accept it as a fair loss? I have to make a public announcement?!?

At any rate, Ottawa is hot right now and they are winning with speed from their youngsters, and a real tenacious forecheck. Will it last for very long? I seriously don't think so, but they are certainly an exciting team to watch, as they showed in their comeback win against the Rangers.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Pasty7 Posted - 10/30/2011 : 20:29:20
Originally posted by slozo

Originally posted by Open_Ice

4 game win streak now and a chance to pass the leafs on Sunday. That would be a real moment for leafs fans!

Not ever going to happen, Open Ice.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug

never ????

"I led the league in "Go get 'em next time." - Bob Uecker
Guest9898 Posted - 10/30/2011 : 19:49:16
Originally posted by JOSHUACANADA

6 wins in a row with a win over the Leafs, and I'm loven it.

I'm sure leaf fans will come up with an excuse. Because the leafs never lose to Ottawa, there had to have been a conspiracy or an ulterior movtive. Or better yet a different way to view the loss as a win.

Like the leafs wanted to lose so that revenge would be sweeter.

Oh well Ottawa, enjoy while you can because the lows are going to be real lows.
JOSHUACANADA Posted - 10/30/2011 : 19:11:42
6 wins in a row with a win over the Leafs, and I'm loven it.
n/a Posted - 10/29/2011 : 19:11:50
Originally posted by Open_Ice

4 game win streak now and a chance to pass the leafs on Sunday. That would be a real moment for leafs fans!

Not ever going to happen, Open Ice.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Open_Ice Posted - 10/29/2011 : 15:15:18
Sens come back from down 4-1 in the 3rd to win 5-4 for their 5th straight win!
Open_Ice Posted - 10/27/2011 : 20:13:16
4 game win streak now and a chance to pass the leafs on Sunday. That would be a real moment for leafs fans!
Guest9898 Posted - 10/27/2011 : 18:13:02
Originally posted by JOSHUACANADA

3 game win streak, with several come from behind wins.

In the top 6 in scoring and this an exciting brand of hockey when the team is digging late in a game to find a way to steal a win. It not all fixed, but with tighter more defensive game this team could be in for a much better season.

Nope. They beat mediocre competition. Don't let that fool you. and they almost lost to Columbus (really Columbus lost the game more than the sens won the game).

Don't give your hopes up. They suck this year. Just don't be like a leaf fan and blow your load after 3 or 4 games thinking it can be sustained until the end of the season. Ottawa fans tend to keep it honest rather than pipe dreaming of a silver chalice after a mini streak against crappy competition.
JOSHUACANADA Posted - 10/27/2011 : 14:28:22
Wanting to update this Topic to get others opinions. I am realizing if the season ended today the Senators would be on the outside looking in on the Playoff picture. Sign's of life in the Nations Capital with 1 point out of 8th. 3 game win streak, with several come from behind wins. Spezza with 5 goals and 12 points, Michalek with 10 points, Karlsson with 9 points. A horrible goals against, worst in the league, which is starting to correct itself with Anderson correcting his early spotty play. In the top 6 in scoring and this an exciting brand of hockey when the team is digging late in a game to find a way to steal a win. It not all fixed, but with tighter more defensive game this team could be in for a much better season.
Alex116 Posted - 10/11/2011 : 19:10:58
Yo Chris Kelly....errrrr guest 0010, you really should get to the rink for the warmup earlier than an hour before the game
Beans15 Posted - 10/11/2011 : 10:58:35
I completely agree that worst is better than 9th in either conference. However, the topic was why Ottawa is getting no love and why they are projected to finish dead last.

It appears you agree with the projections.
Guest5091 Posted - 10/11/2011 : 10:57:18
My point of view is... Better to be last than 17th. One way, you suck for a bit and come back strong (e.g. Chicago, Edmonton, etc.). The other way, you're perpetually mired in mediocrity (e.g. Leafs)

I'm actually hoping they get last this year because I'm under no illusions that they will make the playoffs. Got to think longer term than a single season.
Guest0010 Posted - 10/11/2011 : 07:07:14
Ottawa will finish dead last this season, and collect 1st overall pick for next year.

No love whatsoever for the lowly Sens, who will be the proverbial punching bag of the league. Poor Alfie will have to sit night after stinking night in the one-lane entranced Scotiabank Place while fans get kicked out for the slightest sign of life that isn't from a government official. Chris Neil - the absolute best tough guy in the league - might get shipped before the deadline, just to save face. Spezza will get 60 points in 60 games; mostly as an already forgotten footnote similar to the Maple Leafs game where the Sens suddenly put up 5 goals when the Leafs after having lulled the Leafs to sleep with some seriously lackluster play.

The Sens will suck this year my friend.

I'll tell you what they did wrong. They traded away Heatley for Michalek and Cheechoo - terrible trade. They should have gotten draft picks. Cheechoo doesn't even play in the NHL anymore. Michalek is so bad, it hurts me to watch him play. Then they traded Vermette for Leclaire. That was also a s***ty trade. How about Fisher for nobody? Right. Let's get rid of our good core of hard-nosed veterans, and replace them with soft noodley types. The GM staff here is to blame.

But the one that really set me off; the trade that really changed the face of the NHL and starting me hating the Sens (I used to be a fan), was the trade of Chris Kelly to Boston for a bag of pucks. First of all, they just handed the Cup to Boston. Second of all, Chris Kelly is probably the best player for his role in the entire league. You cannot replace a player like Chris Kelly. I'm not exactly sure if the GM staff in Ottawa is aware of this; or if they forced into it by a Chris Kelly request. But that trade sucked. Chris Kelly is the best third line player in the league. He understands the game very well, and plays hard. You don't trade players like that. You don't trade hard players.

Kovalev was a disaster. They took out hard-nosed diggers like Vermette and Kelly, and they put in soft rinky-dinky noodles like Kovalev and Michalek. And everyone is wondering why they suck?

I also hate to break it to you, but Erik Karlsson was a minus 32 last year. Great player, great shot. Minus 32. After that, Sergei "wet noodle" Gonchar? Weak. Not hard. Chris Phillips plays hard. But night after stinking night watching your teammates suck all around you gets you down. Watch the way Alfie, Spezza, Neil and Phillips all hunch their shoulders on the bench. They are embarrassed. Because the team around them sucks. And what's worse, they are soft and don't care.

I would like to mention one last thing. The Scotiabank Place is the s***tiest arena in hockey. Sure, it's new. But, it sucks. It is located a painful 30 minute drive outside of the city, which wouldn't be that bad; except for one thing. There is ONE lane driving into the parking lot. What kind of idiot designed a hockey stadium that has ONE lane serving for 15,000 people - most of whom are in their cars individually. It is the most frustrating experience of my entire life. It has happened to me on SEVERAL occasions where I arrive at the game at 18h30 for a 19h30 game. I get off the highway, and proceed to spend one full hour driving the last 2km to get into the damn parking lot. We arrive at the game late, and miss the puck drop.

Then, the staff at the Scotiabank Place are complete bumbling idiots as well. I've seen so many people get kicked out of the Scotiabank Place, just for cheering loudly! I'm not even exaggerating here. You want to know why it always sounds like a quiet tomb in the Scotiabank Place? Because they kicked out all the fans. That's why.

Are the two related? Yes. The way a team runs its operation is an indication of how well that team will perform on the ice. The Scotiabank Place, and the GM staff in Ottawa get a big fat F for FAILURE in my opinion. And they deserve to lose. For many years to come.

I'm pissed off and angry, and frankly disgusted with myself for ever liking such a s*** team. I hope they suffer this year. And they will. Dead last, first pick. Odds to win the Cup? 10,000 to 1. They suck. Go have fun sucking Sens.


A former fan

JOSHUACANADA Posted - 10/10/2011 : 23:49:28
Originally posted by Guest9053

Here's my take on the matter. FIrst of all, the sens team is rebuilding and they have lots of young talent this year. as a result it will be a struggle early on this season while the new players get used to playing with each other in a much higher level than AHL. But considering the binghamton sens won the calder cup last year they do have a great farm team with talent coming up. It won't be here this year because yes on paper their team doesn't look very good. It is composed of unproven players who will have to prove themselves this year and next. I predict the sens will finish in the bottom 3 of the league with a playoff chance coming in the next 3 years. they will have problems scoring early on, but the chemistry will change over time and they will get better. And hey, if they finish last at least we'll get a great draft pick. The way things tend to go, if you suck in the standings for long enough you'll eventually get a young talented team for the future. Look at pittsburgh, chicago, and edmonton (future team). The season will be a rough one with much to learn but overall it will be a successful one in building for the future. Here's hoping Filatov gets to his potential finally!

Yes this young group did in fact win the Calder Cup. That same young crop will show up bit by bit thru the season to see if they can earn a full time roster spot. Not exactly the type of players that have been refered to by some as not good enough to make 4th line in the AHL. I am very excited by the future prospects. Heres hoping they can find some chemistry in the NHL.
Sensfan101 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 15:20:35
Originally posted by Porkchop73

Originally posted by Sensfan101

Originally posted by Porkchop73

Originally posted by Sensfan101

Okay can someone who watched the broadcast please back me up on this? I know intially they were saying Neil jumped him but then later when they showed the reply probabely about 5-10 minutes after the actual fight here is what it showed: Neil was skating by and he had obviously said something to Schenn to make him angry so Schenn toke a step towards Neil. Neil was pissed off for whatever reason and he took that as an invitation to fight so he charged Schenn and the rest is history.

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky

I love it when Sens fans beg for help.
They can't back you up in this thread because this is the "NO LOVE FOR SENS" thread. Perhaps you should start a "Show some love for the Sens" thread. More specifically a thread called "Someone please love the coward Neil".

Okay Prokchop I would like to make a bet with you if the Leafs make the playoffs I will stop posting here and vice-versa

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky

I would hate to see you not posting here ever again, not like I think the Leafs will make the playoffs but the Sens surely won't. But I am willing to make Leafs/Sens wager for the fun of it.

Lets say that if the Leafs make the playoffs and since this thread is about LOVE for the Sens, you must put I LOVE THE TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS as your signature and change your avatar to a Toronto Maple Leaf one.
I will do the same if the Sens make the playoffs.

Oh, Beans is right, I should not have made any personal comments and I apologize. But like my 6 yr old says, "you started it".

Alrighty it is on and apology accepted

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky
Open_Ice Posted - 10/10/2011 : 11:04:18

0:36 - The puck is clearly shown
0:37 - Neil heading towards the bench is skating by Schenn when Schenn turns away from the puck and crosschecks Neil.

And I can confirm the fact that the CBC announcers upon watching the replay a minute later said Schenn was more the instigator of the fight than Neil. (which I also agree with)

Also, an additional roughing penalty from a fight? How is that even possible? Was he hitting Schenn too hard?
Porkchop73 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 10:28:03
Originally posted by Sensfan101

Originally posted by Porkchop73

Originally posted by Sensfan101

Okay can someone who watched the broadcast please back me up on this? I know intially they were saying Neil jumped him but then later when they showed the reply probabely about 5-10 minutes after the actual fight here is what it showed: Neil was skating by and he had obviously said something to Schenn to make him angry so Schenn toke a step towards Neil. Neil was pissed off for whatever reason and he took that as an invitation to fight so he charged Schenn and the rest is history.

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky

I love it when Sens fans beg for help.
They can't back you up in this thread because this is the "NO LOVE FOR SENS" thread. Perhaps you should start a "Show some love for the Sens" thread. More specifically a thread called "Someone please love the coward Neil".

Okay Prokchop I would like to make a bet with you if the Leafs make the playoffs I will stop posting here and vice-versa

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky

I would hate to see you not posting here ever again, not like I think the Leafs will make the playoffs but the Sens surely won't. But I am willing to make Leafs/Sens wager for the fun of it.

Lets say that if the Leafs make the playoffs and since this thread is about LOVE for the Sens, you must put I LOVE THE TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS as your signature and change your avatar to a Toronto Maple Leaf one.
I will do the same if the Sens make the playoffs.

Oh, Beans is right, I should not have made any personal comments and I apologize. But like my 6 yr old says, "you started it".
5hahv1r1 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 09:38:10
Leafs fan chipping in here:

I heard them say that the instigator was uncalled for and it looked like Schenn went to him first.

I don't agree with that commentary, but I heard it. Neil still jumped him early. Schenn clearly didn't even have his gloves off and Neil was wailing away.
Sensfan101 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 09:08:42
Originally posted by Porkchop73

Originally posted by Sensfan101

Okay can someone who watched the broadcast please back me up on this? I know intially they were saying Neil jumped him but then later when they showed the reply probabely about 5-10 minutes after the actual fight here is what it showed: Neil was skating by and he had obviously said something to Schenn to make him angry so Schenn toke a step towards Neil. Neil was pissed off for whatever reason and he took that as an invitation to fight so he charged Schenn and the rest is history.

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky

I love it when Sens fans beg for help.
They can't back you up in this thread because this is the "NO LOVE FOR SENS" thread. Perhaps you should start a "Show some love for the Sens" thread. More specifically a thread called "Someone please love the coward Neil".

Okay Prokchop I would like to make a bet with you if the Leafs make the playoffs I will stop posting here and vice-versa

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky
Beans15 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 06:41:40
Ok guys, first off keep the personal comments to yourself. If you disagree then debate the opinion but not by trying to belittle he other person.

To the point, Neil absolute engaged Schenn. No doubt about it. What the commentators said is irrelevant and if it was relevant, the video posted clearly has the guys at CBC talking about Neil engaging Schenn and not the other way around/
Porkchop73 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 06:22:18
Originally posted by Sensfan101

Okay can someone who watched the broadcast please back me up on this? I know intially they were saying Neil jumped him but then later when they showed the reply probabely about 5-10 minutes after the actual fight here is what it showed: Neil was skating by and he had obviously said something to Schenn to make him angry so Schenn toke a step towards Neil. Neil was pissed off for whatever reason and he took that as an invitation to fight so he charged Schenn and the rest is history.

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky

I love it when Sens fans beg for help.
They can't back you up in this thread because this is the "NO LOVE FOR SENS" thread. Perhaps you should start a "Show some love for the Sens" thread. More specifically a thread called "Someone please love the coward Neil".
Sensfan101 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 06:00:52
Okay can someone who watched the broadcast please back me up on this? I know intially they were saying Neil jumped him but then later when they showed the reply probabely about 5-10 minutes after the actual fight here is what it showed: Neil was skating by and he had obviously said something to Schenn to make him angry so Schenn toke a step towards Neil. Neil was pissed off for whatever reason and he took that as an invitation to fight so he charged Schenn and the rest is history.

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky
Porkchop73 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 05:11:19
Originally posted by Sensfan101

Really? I guess you must of had your ears plugged when they talked about how Neil didn't deserve an instegator and how Schenn was more than willing to drop em. And I guess you must have been in the bathroom when they showed the reverse angle that clearly showed Schenn start skating towards Neil before Neil came in and hit him. I'll agree it was mostly Neil trying to get something started but Schenn certainly had his part too

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky

Really, here is the fight complete with CBC commentary. Apparently you must have been preoccupied watching your sister shower or something and could not hear the real the commentary. They very clearly say right from the start that Neil is going to get an inst"i"gator. And they very clearly say the Schenn has to try and fight back. Even the the reverse angle shows Schenn was clearly was not expecting the yellow bellied Neil to drop his gloves which put Schenn into a defensive mode and was late to get his gloves off.
I know you were dissappointed that the Leafs destroyed your Sens, at least until the Leafs took their foot of the gas, but Neil clearly deserves NO LOVE for being a coward and a puke. Once again I state the only time Neil wins a fight is when he jumps a guy. Neil wouldn't even fight tiny little Darcy Tucker straight up because Tucker was ten times tougher and Neil knew it. I have no use for Chris Neil, biggest coward in the NHL. Done.
Sensfan101 Posted - 10/09/2011 : 20:43:17
Really? I guess you must of had your ears plugged when they talked about how Neil didn't deserve an instegator and how Schenn was more than willing to drop em. And I guess you must have been in the bathroom when they showed the reverse angle that clearly showed Schenn start skating towards Neil before Neil came in and hit him. I'll agree it was mostly Neil trying to get something started but Schenn certainly had his part too

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky
Porkchop73 Posted - 10/09/2011 : 18:42:31
Originally posted by Sensfan101

Originally posted by Porkchop73

Ottawa will not get any love this year. Especially Chris Neil. In typical Neil fashion he jumps a guy to start a fight. Has Neil ever fought a guy in his own class or even just dropped the gloves face to face. He wouldn't go Komi face to face, he had to jump Schenn, Schenn had no choice but to drop the mits. In the words of the real Don Cherry, Neil is a coward and a puke.

Actually if you watched the CBC broadcast it showed that it was Schenn who engaged Neil just saying

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky

Um I was watching CBC and even the broadcasters said Neil went at Schenn. Schenn was forced to drop the mitts. Oh and if you read all of the papers (including the Ottawa Sun) they all say Neil jumped Schenn. If you want to send a message to the other team, fight a guy straight up don't just jump a guy.
Neil never engages in a scrap without sort of jumping someone. He is perhaps the biggest coward in the tough guy role.
Sensfan101 Posted - 10/09/2011 : 16:47:57
Originally posted by Porkchop73

Ottawa will not get any love this year. Especially Chris Neil. In typical Neil fashion he jumps a guy to start a fight. Has Neil ever fought a guy in his own class or even just dropped the gloves face to face. He wouldn't go Komi face to face, he had to jump Schenn, Schenn had no choice but to drop the mits. In the words of the real Don Cherry, Neil is a coward and a puke.

Actually if you watched the CBC broadcast it showed that it was Schenn who engaged Neil just saying

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky
5hahv1r1 Posted - 10/09/2011 : 15:21:15
I'm sorry, but the Leafs clearly let off the gas pedal almost entirely.

If they played the exact same game again, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have eased off so much and probably run the score to 7 or 8-0.

Sens looked awful out there, and only when the Leafs were disinterested, were they able to mount a comeback.

I feel like Toronto is tied with Winnipeg, Montreal, and MAYBE Edmonton for second out of Canadian teams. Sens are definitely at the bottom of the barrel though.

I'll enjoy this bet between the OP and Beans =P
Porkchop73 Posted - 10/09/2011 : 11:00:46
Ottawa will not get any love this year. Especially Chris Neil. In typical Neil fashion he jumps a guy to start a fight. Has Neil ever fought a guy in his own class or even just dropped the gloves face to face. He wouldn't go Komi face to face, he had to jump Schenn, Schenn had no choice but to drop the mits. In the words of the real Don Cherry, Neil is a coward and a puke.
TheRC Posted - 10/09/2011 : 09:08:30
A solid effort to try and come back in the 3rd from Ottawa, but I'm not convinced that it was much more than Alfie, remembering when the battle of Ontario meant something, refusing to be embarassed, combined with the Leafs going soft after developing such a commanding lead. Five goals in a period is impressive, but they came in a torrent against a middling (at best) team that had fallen asleep, and a young goaltender who crashed to earth after opening the season with 5 periods worth of shutout. That the Leafs managed two goals during this meltdown suggests the Sens goals were the result of a few good plays, rather than overall dominance of the period.

Impressive effort at the end, sure, but if I were an Ottawa fan I wouldn't so much be happy with how my team played the 3rd as terrified by how poorly they played the 1st and 2nd. The Leafs are not a good team, but against Ottawa, they looked it. I was watching the game with a friend from Vancouver who was laughing about how "The Leafs aren't supposed to be able make plays like the Canucks." It wasn't intended as a compliment for Toronto.

Flashes of potential, but you've got a long way to go Ottawa. I wish you well, too; the sooner inferior Leaf teams start running you out of the playoffs early each year again, the better.

"If at first you don't succeed, you fail"
Beans15 Posted - 10/09/2011 : 07:20:34
Originally posted by JOSHUACANADA

I would prefer it to happen for the term of the playoff. After the post season almost makes it meaningless. Agreed. 25 or better I win. Last place You win.

Bet is on! Signature chosen by the winner and to be in place through the 2012 playoffs. 25th or better you win, dead last I win, 29 to 26 is a wash. Odds are in your favor but I like this bet.
Guest9053 Posted - 10/09/2011 : 06:36:49
Here's my take on the matter. FIrst of all, the sens team is rebuilding and they have lots of young talent this year. as a result it will be a struggle early on this season while the new players get used to playing with each other in a much higher level than AHL. But considering the binghamton sens won the calder cup last year they do have a great farm team with talent coming up. It won't be here this year because yes on paper their team doesn't look very good. It is composed of unproven players who will have to prove themselves this year and next. I predict the sens will finish in the bottom 3 of the league with a playoff chance coming in the next 3 years. they will have problems scoring early on, but the chemistry will change over time and they will get better. And hey, if they finish last at least we'll get a great draft pick. The way things tend to go, if you suck in the standings for long enough you'll eventually get a young talented team for the future. Look at pittsburgh, chicago, and edmonton (future team). The season will be a rough one with much to learn but overall it will be a successful one in building for the future. Here's hoping Filatov gets to his potential finally!
Alex116 Posted - 10/09/2011 : 02:38:36
Joshua..... i have to say, while i'm not pencilling them in for last place at this point, i don't think they'll fare better than 3rd or 4th last.

A nice comeback, but keep in mind, it was against a team which (no offense to Leaf fans) will struggle to be in the hunt for a playoff spot come game 82.
JOSHUACANADA Posted - 10/08/2011 : 22:49:11
Originally posted by slozo

Was at tonight's epic game . . . and I gotta say, Ottawa was robbed early by some sharp goaltending. Toronto dominated the second period, but the first was somewhat even despite the score. Some of the kids look ok for Ottawa . . . but in the 3rd period, some sloppy D made them look better than they were.

My feeling about Ottawa after tonight:
They will finish last.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug

Classic. 2 games in, both games showcasing the new talent, who incidentally showed up on the scoreboard. Captain Alfredson scores twice tonight and Spezza scores. All I here from the Leafs fan who believes his team is Playoff bound in a one goal game is crap about Ottawa finishing last.
Alex116 Posted - 10/08/2011 : 22:37:13
Slozo, it was looking for awhile like Optimus Reim was gonna post another goose egg??? Actually started watching some of the baseball game when it went 4-0 after 2. Switched it back later and couldn't believe they made a game of it!

Def would have been a good one to be at, though you must have gotten a wee bit nervous at some point in the 3rd?
n/a Posted - 10/08/2011 : 21:53:20
Was at tonight's epic game . . . and I gotta say, Ottawa was robbed early by some sharp goaltending. Toronto dominated the second period, but the first was somewhat even despite the score. Some of the kids look ok for Ottawa . . . but in the 3rd period, some sloppy D made them look better than they were.

My feeling about Ottawa after tonight:
They will finish last.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
JOSHUACANADA Posted - 10/08/2011 : 21:20:29
I would prefer it to happen for the term of the playoff. After the post season almost makes it meaningless. Agreed. 25 or better I win. Last place You win.
JOSHUACANADA Posted - 10/08/2011 : 21:13:27
Challenge accepted. Signature will most definitely tasteful yet will highlight Alfredson as your personal MVP.
foolpittier Posted - 10/08/2011 : 09:54:52
the wing's showed "no love" last night.

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