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 Greatest Montreal Canadien of all time

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Pasty7 Posted - 01/10/2008 : 08:41:59
Who in your opinion and why was or is the greatest Montreal Canadien of all time?

P.S i know my mind is drawing a blank and im forgetting some great ones so please let me know who i'll add them,,,
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest4912 Posted - 01/11/2008 : 09:42:59
its absolutely ridiculous to try to say that one great hab like jean beliveau is BETTER than another one like pat roy. you cant find the best guy of everything!!

just be happy you had so many greats and dont make a silly competition or debate of saying who the best ever is!!!!!!!!
Antroman Posted - 01/11/2008 : 09:12:55
Hey Hockster, Of course it was in jest and simple sarcasm. I'm a 55 year Leaf fan and of course dislike the Habs with a passion. It goes with the territory. I have witnessed most of the great Habs including "The Rocket". My vote would have to go to him but there have been so many great ones. Ken Dryden absolutely stole Stanley Cups out of the Bruin's pockets during the Bobby Orr era. I really do not like to dwell on the Habs for obvious reasons but there have been so many superstars pass through the organization over different eras that it is hard to pick just one and claim them to be the best. I chose Maurice Richard because he really esculated the team into the modern era and started the dominance that they have achieved through my hockey lifetime. On a more personal note, nothing pleases me more in hockey than seeing the Habs lose. LOL.
PainTrain Posted - 01/10/2008 : 21:19:36
Beliveau is the best player to suit up for the Canadians.
hockster Posted - 01/10/2008 : 17:33:20
Ya Pasty You should start a leafs one.
You seem to have quite a bit of knowledge
Pasty7 Posted - 01/10/2008 : 17:28:33
Originally posted by Antroman

They never had any great ones!!!!! LOL

we'll do the leafs next hahahaha

hockster Posted - 01/10/2008 : 17:28:05
That better be sarcastic
Antroman Posted - 01/10/2008 : 17:19:24
They never had any great ones!!!!! LOL
Guest6727 Posted - 01/10/2008 : 12:11:47
Mike Ribeiro (lol)
Pasty7 Posted - 01/10/2008 : 12:09:47
Originally posted by willus3

Howie Morenz and Doug Harvey wouldn't be out of place on this list.

Personally I would take Beliveau.

"I'm a man of principle... or not. Whatever the situation calls for." - Alan Shore

Harvey !!! i knew i was forgetting a great d man!!!

willus3 Posted - 01/10/2008 : 11:34:34
Howie Morenz and Doug Harvey wouldn't be out of place on this list.

Personally I would take Beliveau.

"I'm a man of principle... or not. Whatever the situation calls for." - Alan Shore
LeafsFan4Life Posted - 01/10/2008 : 10:09:16
André "Red Light" Racicot hands down is the greatest Montreal player ever

Enough Said

Long Live Hockey
Pasty7 Posted - 01/10/2008 : 08:50:29
i honestly go against popular opinion and think it is hands down beliveau then the flower ,,, i know the rocket is a legend but both beliveau and lafleur had so much charactor class charisma and were so amazing,,,


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