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 Will Ovechkin Reach the Top 10 in 08/09?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
leigh Posted - 11/12/2008 : 09:43:10
Currently sitting 116th spot in the NHL point race, will Alexander Ovechkin finish in a top 10 spot before the season is out?
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest5285 Posted - 11/20/2008 : 22:15:06
little off topic
but why are people having such a hard time realizing malkin is better than crosby?

and ovechkin will finish #1 in points and goals once again. once hes on theres not one athlete in the world more dominant
MSC Posted - 11/20/2008 : 13:55:25
Now if only Turco and Lidstrom would pop in for a read things would be right in the world. It worked for Ovechkin and Getzlaf so far.
admin Posted - 11/20/2008 : 13:14:53
Obviously Alex Ovechkin visited and realized the trouble he was in so he decided to turn it on again!

ThorntonisTHEMAN Posted - 11/20/2008 : 07:02:28
Well, to all you doubters, AO is now sitting tied for seventh in the league in points and is 8 points back of 1st place. Hmmm, interestingly enough, he is actually tied with the great Sidney Crosby for points and has 2 less games played. Mr. Ovechkin will finish first again. Mark my words.

"I'm not dumb enough to be a goalie."
Brett Hull.
Canucks Man Posted - 11/19/2008 : 23:50:59
Another huge night for AO 1 goal 3 assists, 22 points in 16 games

Guest5435 Posted - 11/19/2008 : 12:32:11
Originally posted by Pasty7

[quote]Originally posted by slozo

Ridiculous question.

Of course he'll be in the top ten - he'll most likely finish first. He's the best player in the league right now.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug

ridiculous response! there are literally hundreds of factors that could prove him to easily be out of the top 20,, not to mention the top 10 and no he is far from the best player in the nhl RIGHT NOW,, right now guys like Grabowski are better players!

moron lucky grabowski is not that good and he is not even in the top 50 in nhl
Beans15 Posted - 11/17/2008 : 15:23:43
Originally posted by Guest2599

it'll be tight i think he would get between 7 and 10, just squeeze in, hes too far behind and too mnay guys have an eye on him all the time

Little confused by this. Ovechkin is currently tied for 8th in league and it 12 points out of first. Does anyone out there want to take a look at the schedule?? We are less than 20 games into the season!!!

Ovechkin has 10 points in his last 5 games, so I am thinking the theory that teams are shutting him down just went out the window. He got off to a slow start and he more than likely was effective with his Grandfather ill in Russian. Fortunately for the league and poolies, he has responded positivey after the lose of his grandfather.

One thing that I don't think anyone talked about is that Ovechkin's style of play creates points. Shot totals alone. He is 2nd in the league with 78 shots in 15 games. He's getting more than 5 shots a game and that will definately produce goals or rebound assists.

The only thing that will keep Ovechkin from getting points is not playing. Those of you who were questioning that need to give your head a shake. Especially 10-20 games into the season. If it was 1/2 way through the season and he was under a PPG, then I would have agreed.
Guest2599 Posted - 11/17/2008 : 14:57:01
it'll be tight i think he would get between 7 and 10, just squeeze in, hes too far behind and too mnay guys have an eye on him all the time
Guest6138 Posted - 11/16/2008 : 17:22:53
Originally posted by Beans15

Alex, you are smarter than that!

First of all, 13 games is not a 1/4 of the season and, who's to say a slump can't last that long?? Ask Eric Staal, I'm sure he will tell your his entire 3rd NHL season was a slump.

Also, what's wrong with 82 points??? Last season, 82 points would have tied for 11th in scoring. Wow, off by one place??? There were only 19 players last season with 80 or more points. A PPG is nothing to complain about.

Thirdly, how can any of us think that what a players current PPG is will also be their PPG at the end of the year. Do you really think for one second that Semin will have 147 points this year?? I don't. Who's to say that Ovechkin doesn't have the next 15 games the same as Semin had in his first 15 games?? If that is the case, Ovechkin would sit at 40 points in 28 games. That's 1.42 PPG, which would easliy put him in the top 10.

It's is far too soon to tell if Ovie will be in the top 10. But, with his skill and what he has shown in the past, I sure wouldn't be counting him out.

Almost exactly what I would have said, but like Fanoleaf said, they are shutting him down pretty good, I mean, remember how Crosby was supposed to be the next Gretzky? That sure worked out, huh?
leigh Posted - 11/15/2008 : 19:17:01
In all of October Ovechkin had 5 points. In the first 15 days of November he already has 15 points. Looks like he has returned. He's in my pool so I hope he keeps it up!
Guest4990 Posted - 11/15/2008 : 14:44:38
ridiculous response! there are literally hundreds of factors that could prove him to easily be out of the top 20,, not to mention the top 10 and no he is far from the best player in the nhl RIGHT NOW,, right now guys like Grabowski are better players!

who ever posted this is wrong the guy is a scoreing machine there is no dought he ist he best player in the nhl.
Leafsfan_94 Posted - 11/14/2008 : 18:08:24
he'll catch up, or atleast he better because i have him in all my pools


fanoleaf Posted - 11/14/2008 : 17:37:17
As I stated earlier I definitely think he will finish in the top 10. I think that a good reason why he will not be putting up the numbers he did last year is exactly as Don Cherry has said in his Coaches Corner.

The teams have always known he is a great player and have always tried to shut him down. But now teams have seen what he can do. Teams will make a greater committment and effort to control his play and so far it seems to be doing so. Maybe this is why Semin is raking in the points, more attention being put on Ovechkin, therefore opening the door for Semin.
Beans15 Posted - 11/14/2008 : 13:12:58
Alex, you are smarter than that!

First of all, 13 games is not a 1/4 of the season and, who's to say a slump can't last that long?? Ask Eric Staal, I'm sure he will tell your his entire 3rd NHL season was a slump.

Also, what's wrong with 82 points??? Last season, 82 points would have tied for 11th in scoring. Wow, off by one place??? There were only 19 players last season with 80 or more points. A PPG is nothing to complain about.

Thirdly, how can any of us think that what a players current PPG is will also be their PPG at the end of the year. Do you really think for one second that Semin will have 147 points this year?? I don't. Who's to say that Ovechkin doesn't have the next 15 games the same as Semin had in his first 15 games?? If that is the case, Ovechkin would sit at 40 points in 28 games. That's 1.42 PPG, which would easliy put him in the top 10.

It's is far too soon to tell if Ovie will be in the top 10. But, with his skill and what he has shown in the past, I sure wouldn't be counting him out.
brentrock2 Posted - 11/14/2008 : 12:08:17
I think he will and will be in like 9th place.
MSC Posted - 11/14/2008 : 09:34:33
Originally posted by Guest0698

dumb question. of course he'll be in top 3

I would love to place friendly wager with you on this one....
Alex Posted - 11/13/2008 : 19:35:24
He definitely won't have last year's season. At 13 points, he has a lot of soul searching to do to find the magic of last season.

For all those writing this off as a slump - slumps don't last a quarter of a season. Let me rephrase that - slumps that scoring champs overcome don't last a quarter of a season.

At this pace he's got under 82 points. So, even though I do think he can find his stride, I wouldn't bet money on him making the top 10. I wouldn't bet against it though either.

But then again, that could just be a function of these troubled economic times...

Make sure to cast your votes in the PickUpHockey Hall of Fame
Guest0698 Posted - 11/13/2008 : 16:00:21
dumb question. of course he'll be in top 3
Guest4226 Posted - 11/13/2008 : 14:32:31
You guys are all retarted, alexander semin is the best player in the league right now. Dominates every game and he's the reason Ovechkin is doing well, don't get me wrong, Ovechkin is an unreal player but you have to give all the credit to Semin as of right now. Whoever made that list on the top 7 or 8 scorers is absolutly clueless, just naming the most popular players is not how scoring races end up...
Pasty7 Posted - 11/13/2008 : 13:12:55
Originally posted by Guest0406

Originally posted by Pasty7

Originally posted by slozo

Ridiculous question.

Of course he'll be in the top ten - he'll most likely finish first. He's the best player in the league right now.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug

ridiculous response! there are literally hundreds of factors that could prove him to easily be out of the top 20,, not to mention the top 10 and no he is far from the best player in the nhl RIGHT NOW,, right now guys like Grabowski are better players!


bahaha leaf fan nuf said

naw actually im from montreal and a habs fan i just wanted to find a player exceeding all expectations to make a point

PhillyFan12 Posted - 11/13/2008 : 12:22:00
ovechkin is a dominate,I think ovechkin will come in the top 10 spot,but i really dont know where
Axey Posted - 11/13/2008 : 12:14:27
There is no doubt he will pass them he always starts off slow.

Chicago Blackhawks GM

Jesus didn't tap.
ThorntonisTHEMAN Posted - 11/13/2008 : 12:13:29
Originally posted by Porkchop73

If he doesn't get one of those undisclosed injuries then I think he will get to top 3, I thinking third behind Crosby and Thornton. Whether I think Crosby wins the Art Ross or Thornton wins it remains undisclosed.

at this point, Crosby has 19 points and Thornton has 15 and Ovechkin has 13. Ovechking will pass Thornton for sure. (and this is coming from a die-hard Thornton fan) and he will also pass The Kid. just wait and see!

"I'm not dumb enough to be a goalie."
Brett Hull.
ThorntonisTHEMAN Posted - 11/13/2008 : 12:10:01
well he is starting to heat up now and look what happens! He is starting on the 2 and 3 point games which will continue throughout the rest of the season. He will have no problem cracking the top 10 and will definitely challenge for top dog.

"I'm not dumb enough to be a goalie."
Brett Hull.
Guest0406 Posted - 11/12/2008 : 21:39:57
Originally posted by Pasty7

Originally posted by slozo

Ridiculous question.

Of course he'll be in the top ten - he'll most likely finish first. He's the best player in the league right now.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug

ridiculous response! there are literally hundreds of factors that could prove him to easily be out of the top 20,, not to mention the top 10 and no he is far from the best player in the nhl RIGHT NOW,, right now guys like Grabowski are better players!


bahaha leaf fan nuf said
Porkchop73 Posted - 11/12/2008 : 16:25:20
If he doesn't get one of those undisclosed injuries then I think he will get to top 3, I thinking third behind Crosby and Thornton. Whether I think Crosby wins the Art Ross or Thornton wins it remains undisclosed.
Guest8135 Posted - 11/12/2008 : 16:19:33
Oh i have no doubt he will.
fanoleaf Posted - 11/12/2008 : 15:13:27
I would not under estimate him. He has the fire power to make the top ten.

Does Alexander Semin have the stamina to stay in the top 10?
Guest7735 Posted - 11/12/2008 : 13:13:27
Originally posted by Mikey Boy

He will finish in the top 5, although once him and Backstrom get hot look out. final standings 1- Crosby
2- Malkin
3- Hossa
4- Iginla
5- Ovechkin
6- Thornton
7- Datsuyk


8- Wade Belak
Pasty7 Posted - 11/12/2008 : 13:12:26
Originally posted by slozo

Ridiculous question.

Of course he'll be in the top ten - he'll most likely finish first. He's the best player in the league right now.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug

ridiculous response! there are literally hundreds of factors that could prove him to easily be out of the top 20,, not to mention the top 10 and no he is far from the best player in the nhl RIGHT NOW,, right now guys like Grabowski are better players!

Mikey Boy Posted - 11/12/2008 : 13:07:18
He will finish in the top 5, although once him and Backstrom get hot look out. final standings 1- Crosby
2- Malkin
3- Hossa
4- Iginla
5- Ovechkin
6- Thornton
7- Datsuyk

Guest4733 Posted - 11/12/2008 : 12:34:09
i doubt he can finish first with his bad start and the way malkin and others are playing but he should be in top ten, maybe 4-8
Matt_Roberts85 Posted - 11/12/2008 : 11:38:22
Nope, hes washed up. (just kidding)
n/a Posted - 11/12/2008 : 11:21:44
Ridiculous question.

Of course he'll be in the top ten - he'll most likely finish first. He's the best player in the league right now.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
pokermatt12 Posted - 11/12/2008 : 10:50:24
This guy is just off to a terrible start, but expect him to heat up sooner rather than later. Once he does, watch out NHL.

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