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 2008/09 Hart Trophy Winner?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
admin Posted - 05/01/2009 : 12:21:09
Who will win the 2008/09 Hart Memorial Trophy for the NHL's Most Valuable Player?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rambo2305 Posted - 05/08/2009 : 11:10:14
If you actually based this award on "impact to a team"...notbales include...

- G Steve Mason (CBJ): would not have made the playoffs without him.
- F Eric Staal (CAR): Played his best hockey when it meant the most, and is still playing amazing in the playoffs.
- F Ryan Getzlaf (ANA): Pure beast! Future captian of the Ducks...leading playoff scorer (8th place Ducks beat the President Trophy winner Sharks)

"Everytime you step out onto the ice, it's a clean slate, anyone can win"
Rambo2305 Posted - 05/08/2009 : 11:03:45
Originally posted by umteman

Take Datsyuk from the Red Wings and they are still a league powerhouse. Take Malkin from the Pens and there is still Crosby, Staal, et al. Take Ovechkin from the Caps and they go home at the end of the regular season. The MVP is defined as the player who was more valubale to his team then anyone else was to their team. By that definition the award belongs to Ovechkin.

Did you hear about the retired proctologist? He spent 40 years saying "what's a place like this doing in a girl like you?"

Ok, Umteman just put the nail in the coffin. A Pens fan, supporting and stating that Ovechkin deserves it. Without Ovechkin, all of the focus would be on Semin and Backstrom, neither would perform as good. Also, take 50+ goals out of any lineup, along with the hits and passion, the team will be alot worse. Ovie takes home the Hart!

"Everytime you step out onto the ice, it's a clean slate, anyone can win"
umteman Posted - 05/04/2009 : 20:44:26
Take Datsyuk from the Red Wings and they are still a league powerhouse. Take Malkin from the Pens and there is still Crosby, Staal, et al. Take Ovechkin from the Caps and they go home at the end of the regular season. The MVP is defined as the player who was more valubale to his team then anyone else was to their team. By that definition the award belongs to Ovechkin.

Did you hear about the retired proctologist? He spent 40 years saying "what's a place like this doing in a girl like you?"
JOSHUACANADA Posted - 05/02/2009 : 13:46:44
Did you guys get picked last in gym class? Of course it's a popularity contest. Who is most valuable player to his team, to the league or who would you build a francise around. Im sorry but Jeff Carter as talented as he is has a great team around him to take the pressure off him. Ovechkin took a sub par team and took them to a high level during the regular season. Every player has more room to move on the ice because of him. Defensive focus is always on Ovie. Plus he hits like a crazy man, bringing intensity to his entire team every game.
Guest4798 Posted - 05/02/2009 : 13:33:18
Originally posted by Guest4943

Ovechkin is going to get it Malkin has Crosbey on his team to help him and Ovechkin only has Semin and Green who are not the best.

Green is up for Best Defensemen, Semin put up 79 points, and you forgot about Backstrom (88 points, 9th in the league, Kozlov and Fedorov). Ovechkin is surrounded by talent on that team, he's not alone.
Guest4943 Posted - 05/01/2009 : 18:04:47
Ovechkin is going to get it Malkin has Crosbey on his team to help him and Ovechkin only has Semin and Green who are not the best.
Matt_Roberts85 Posted - 05/01/2009 : 13:33:41
Agreed Alex. This award doesnt really mean much to me anymore. Its just a popularity contest now. It should be MPP, most popular player.

There is no "I" in team, but there is an "M" and an "E".
Alex Posted - 05/01/2009 : 13:28:11
Datsyuk deserves to win it but he won't. He has a better plus minus (34), far less penalty minutes (22), and a crazy face off percentage (56). And he is far better defensively than Alex ''Giveaway Galore'' Ovechkin and Evgeni ''Skate When I Have the Puck'' Malkin.

I find it funny that in lieu of the fact that there is an award for best defense and best goalie, there seems to be a rule that they can't be candidates for the Hart. I also think it's funny that the worse your team is, the more likely people warm over to your candidacy. Now, is that not a slap in the face to the rest of your team? But it is the way we view it. It's the reason everyone wants Luongo to be a candidate, and guys like Malkin or Datsyuk can't win it.

But I think there are guys that are HUGE assets to their teams, and the team itself ain't too shabby either. In my opinion, the way to evaluate this award isn't ''without this player, where is the team?'', but rather ''how often can the coach go to this guy and rely on him to win games for the team?'' I think the dynamic changes completely when you look at it like that.

I think a guy that deserves a lot of recognition is Jeff Carter. 84 points, 46 goals, 12 game winners (led the league), 3 OT goals, 342 shots, an incredible penalty killer - tied for third in the league with 4 shorties, +23... I mean, this guy was able to play in any situation this year. He really made a difference. Sure, there was a great group in Philadelphia, but that shouldn't take away from his play. If I'm not mistaken, neither Ovechkin nor Malkin play on the penalty kill.

Points / being a good player on a bad team should not be credentials that make you an automatic Hart candidate, but yet that seems to be the case.
fat_elvis_rocked Posted - 05/01/2009 : 12:48:26
For now and the foreseeable future, Ovechkin, far and away. Considering the fact that Crosby has done not bad as the new face of hockey post-lockout, Ovechkin has done more to raise the level of awareness for the NHL, than any player since the Great One and Le Magnifique.
No one even comes close to his value, to not only his team, but to the league at this time.
This trophy is his for as long as he wants it..IMHO.

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