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 Shanahan vs Sundin

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Guest7178 Posted - 01/18/2009 : 08:48:12
Shanny or Sundin, which would you have preferred to sign, and why?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Canucks Man Posted - 01/18/2009 : 23:48:08
Originally posted by DangleFest89


If you have money like Vancouver did of course your going to sign the guy who almost average a PPG last season on a average leaf team

Just like to point out he averaged more then point a game on an average leafs team last year, whlie Shanny wasnt near it on a good Rangers team last year.

Axey Posted - 01/18/2009 : 12:27:04
I think you can't go wrong with Shanahan, cheap cost, still some bite in his game (not as much as ruutu) and he has the experience of actually winning a cup. It's a perfect deal in my opinion. Sundin would I think be more effective on the ice because he is still first line potential but still he hasn't won a cup so with Shanahan you get something extra.
DangleFest89 Posted - 01/18/2009 : 11:36:38

If you have money like Vancouver did of course your going to sign the guy who almost average a PPG last season on a average leaf team

If your looking for a player for the right money Shanahan will give it his all every shift and make himself worth every penny and more, sure he isn't in his prime anymore but that still won't stop him from getting the job done.

For me I personally stick with Shanahan that way you have salary just incase you need a big move at the deadline and that way even if he gets like 10 goals your still not losing alot for having a vet presence that has won a stanley cup on numerous occasions.

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