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1948 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2007 :  16:22:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Poll Question:
Luongo and Brodeur could conceivably break Bernie Parents record for goaltenders of highest number of wins in a season. I was reading an article about this and the question was raised whether or not there should be an asterisk beside Brodeur and Luongo's record should they set it. The argument was that because today's goalies have the shootout to decide games it's an unfair advantage over Parent as he had to settle with ties. Should the new record be set do you think it should have an asterisk beside it?



Edited by - willus3 on 03/31/2007 16:28:14

Canucks Man
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1547 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2007 :  16:25:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes it should, what Parent did was amazing, sure Luongo and Broduer are both great goalies but it is unfair with the Shootout and Overtime, then again you cant fault them for playing in a deferent era, but yeah it should be marked down what an asterisk beside it.

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PickupHockey Veteran

1915 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2007 :  16:29:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oh, yeah I think there should of course. Parent had to work hard to get as many wins as Brodeur and Luongo and they dont have to work as hard now because they have shootouts.

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Saku Steen
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Posted - 03/31/2007 :  17:09:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There should be. This is because of the shootout problem. If Parent had to settle with a tie and Broduer and Roberto have a 2nd chance at winning the game, Parent needs something to signify that.

Edited by - bablaboushka on 03/31/2007 20:06:41
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186 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2007 :  17:46:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I agree that there should be an asterisk beside them for all the same reasons you guys already mentioned.

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PickupHockey Pro

529 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2007 :  19:15:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
With the shootout in place, it gives the new age goalies a bit of an edge so..yes.

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PickupHockey Pro

506 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2007 :  19:26:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Without question.

Edited by - bablaboushka on 03/31/2007 20:08:09
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PickupHockey Veteran

2417 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2007 :  20:05:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You know what's even more annoying, people completely ignoring my instructions to stop complaining about other people's posts. I warned leafsfan about his posts and I also warned everyone else to shut up about his posts and to worry about their own. Sorry I have to freak out like this but Willus put forth a very interesting poll here and you guys butchered it. This is a warning for all of you. Stay on topic or don't post, simple as that.

Now Willus, to answer your very interesting question: I think another contributor to the argument that there should be an '*' is that Parent set his in 73 games. And of course, the fact that the shootout is in place to break ties. So mathematically, they might both beat his record, but I think that the real feat was the way he did it (47 wins in 73 games, no tie-breakers). I think the only real way the record could be beat nowadays would be for a goalie to have more than 47 regulation wins after 73 games.

By the way I deleted/edited those posts. This is what the discussion should have been in the first place. Now for God's sake stay on topic.

Edited by - bablaboushka on 03/31/2007 20:09:16
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1948 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2007 :  21:28:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for cleaning up that garbage in here Babs. That was brutal.
Thats a good point about Parent doing it in less games too.
All records will be asterisked soon if they don't stop @#$*ing with the rules.

Edited by - willus3 on 03/31/2007 21:29:29
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PickupHockey Pro

931 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2007 :  21:50:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well.... I say no.
Not because it's fair to compare Parent's record with Luongo or Brodeur, it's not. My problem is that almost ALL records are not fair to compare. There are no asterixes. Is there any asterixes beside records because a team/player played in an era where teams played 24,36,44,48, 50, 60, 70, 74, 78, 80 games instead of 82? What about asterixes beside players who have offensive records in the high scoring freewheeling 80s vs other decades? What about asterixes for goalie records in the last 15 years where goalie equipment got insanely large? What about asterixes beside coaching records where head coaches now have a complete team of assistant coaches and support staff to delegate to? What about all those players who broke records by scoring/assisting in overtime? .....

The game is different... the rules are different... the players are different... and records are in essence very different... They are not fairly comparable. If you want an asterix for this record, I think you will need to use a lot more ink to write in all the other asterixes.

Edited by - tctitans on 03/31/2007 21:59:07
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PickupHockey Veteran

2417 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2007 :  22:07:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm not suggesting to asterisk it (I know you were making a general comment and this is just a general rebuttal), because you make good points about it being impossible to compare records. All I think should be done is for people to acknowledge the fact that Parent accomplished his 47 wins in only 73 games, as opposed to however many Luongo/Brodeur end up playing. It's like Gretzky's record of 50 goals in 39 games. We acknowledge this feat not for the 50, but for the 39 games. I know it's a little different because the 50 is a preset standard and it's basically a race to see who gets there faster, but I think the premise serves as backup enough for my point.

Another way to look at is just by normal tie-breaking standards. When two teams are tied, the team who has played the lesser amount of games is automatically awarded the higher rank. That's kind of what I'm suggesing here. It couldn't be anything concrete, but just the acknowledgement.
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PickupHockey Pro

931 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2007 :  12:43:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by bablaboushka

I'm not suggesting to asterisk it (I know you were making a general comment and this is just a general rebuttal), because you make good points about it being impossible to compare records. All I think should be done is for people to acknowledge the fact that Parent accomplished his 47 wins in only 73 games, as opposed to however many Luongo/Brodeur end up playing. It's like Gretzky's record of 50 goals in 39 games. We acknowledge this feat not for the 50, but for the 39 games. I know it's a little different because the 50 is a preset standard and it's basically a race to see who gets there faster, but I think the premise serves as backup enough for my point.

Another way to look at is just by normal tie-breaking standards. When two teams are tied, the team who has played the lesser amount of games is automatically awarded the higher rank. That's kind of what I'm suggesing here. It couldn't be anything concrete, but just the acknowledgement.

I acknowledge that. As with every record's attributes that I acknowledge.

Also acknowledge too that Parent did it in a conference of 8 where there were only 2 good teams (LA was in 3rd place in the coference with a 33 and 33 record :/). Lots of weak teams.

There are a lot of things to acknowledge.
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1948 Posts

Posted - 04/05/2007 :  20:09:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well Brodeur did it. He has win #48.
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PickupHockey Pro

529 Posts

Posted - 04/05/2007 :  20:15:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yup, let's hope he can pad it off against the isles..

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